
Ludwig (Ludwig George Josep)
b. 1906–d. 1981

56 publications between 1942 and 1995 indexed
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Works authored

Sheldon-Williams, I. P., Édouard A. Jeauneau [eds.], and Ludwig Bieler, Johannis Scotti Eriugenae Periphyseon (De divisione naturae), 4 vols, Scriptores Latini Hiberniae, 7, 9, 11, 13, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1968–1995.
Bieler, Ludwig, Ireland and the culture of early medieval Europe, ed. Richard Sharpe, Variorum Collected Studies Series, 263, London: Variorum Reprints, 1987.
Bieler, Ludwig, Studies on the life and legend of St. Patrick, ed. Richard Sharpe, Variorum Collected Studies Series, 244, London: Variorum Reprints, 1986.
Bieler, Ludwig [ed. and tr.], The Patrician texts in the Book of Armagh, Scriptores Latini Hiberniae, 10, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1979.
Bieler, Ludwig [ed.], Four Latin lives of St. Patrick: Colgan’s Vita secunda, quarta, tertia and quinta, Scriptores Latini Hiberniae, 8, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1971.  
comments: Edition, introduction, notes and indices by Ludwig Bieler
comments: Edition, introduction, notes and indices by Ludwig Bieler
Tierney, J. J. [ed.], and Ludwig Bieler, Dicuili Liber de mensura orbis terrae, Scriptores Latini Hiberniae, 6, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1967.
CELT – translation (pp. 45-103): <link>
Bieler, Ludwig [ed.], and D. A. Binchy [appendix], The Irish penitentials, Scriptores Latini Hiberniae, 5, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1963.
Bieler, Ludwig, Ireland: harbinger of the Middle Ages, London: Oxford University Press, 1963.
Bieler, Ludwig [introd.], Psalterium Graeco-Latinum: Codex Basiliensis A. VII. 3, Umbrae codicum occidentalium, 5, Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company, 1960.
Bieler, Ludwig [ed. and tr.], The works of St. Patrick. St. Secundinus: Hymn on St. Patrick, Ancient Christian Writers, 17, Westminster, Maryland: Newman Press, 1953.  
comments: includes the Lorica
comments: includes the Lorica
Bieler, Ludwig [ed.], Libri epistolarum Sancti Patricii episcopi, 2 vols, Dublin, 1951–1952.  
Reprint from Classica and Mediaevalia 11 (1950): 1–150; and Classica and Mediaevalia 12 (1951): 79–215. The work consists of two volumes: 1. Introduction and text; 2. Commentary. Addenda were published in Analecta Hibernica 23 (1966): 313-315. A reprint was published by the Royal Irish Academy in 1993, with the two parts combined in one volume (series: Clavis Patricii 2, Royal Irish Academy Dictionary of Medieval Latin from Celtic Sources. Ancillary Publications 4).
Reprint from Classica and Mediaevalia 11 (1950): 1–150; and Classica and Mediaevalia 12 (1951): 79–215. The work consists of two volumes: 1. Introduction and text; 2. Commentary. Addenda were published in Analecta Hibernica 23 (1966): 313-315. A reprint was published by the Royal Irish Academy in 1993, with the two parts combined in one volume (series: Clavis Patricii 2, Royal Irish Academy Dictionary of Medieval Latin from Celtic Sources. Ancillary Publications 4).
Bieler, Ludwig, The life and legend of St Patrick: problems of modern scholarship, Dublin: Clonmore and Reynolds, 1949.
Bieler, Ludwig, Codices Patriciani Latini: a descriptive catalogue of Latin manuscripts relating to St. Patrick, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1942.

Works edited

OʼMeara, John J., and Ludwig Bieler (eds), The mind of Eriugena: papers of a colloquium, Dublin, 14–18 July, 1970, Dublin: Irish University Press, 1973.

Contributions to journals

Bieler, Ludwig, “Manuscripts of Irish Interest in the libraries of Scandinavia: a general survey”, Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review 54:214–215 (Summer-Autumn, 1985): 252–258.
Bieler, Ludwig, “Two observations concerning the Navigatio Brendani”, Celtica 11 (1976): 15–17.
Bieler, Ludwig, “La transmission des Pères latins en Irlande et en Angleterre à l’époque préscolastique”, Sacris Erudiri 22:1 (1974): 75–84.
Bieler, Ludwig, and James P. Carney, “The Lambeth commentary”, Ériu 23 (1972): 1–55.
Bieler, Ludwig, “Interpretationes Patricianae”, The Irish Ecclesiastical Record, 5th series, 107 (1967): 1–13.
Bieler, Ludwig, “Libri epistolarum Sancti Patricii episcopi. Addenda”, Analecta Hibernica 23 (1966): 313–316.
Bieler, Ludwig, “Christianity in Ireland during the fifth and sixth centuries: a survey and evaluation of sources”, The Irish Ecclesiastical Record, 5th series, 101 (1964): 162–167.
Bieler, Ludwig, “Patrician studies in the ‘Irish ecclesiastical record’”, The Irish Ecclesiastical Record, 5th series, 102 (1964): 359–366.
Bieler, Ludwig, “A linguist’s view of Saint Patrick: remarks on a recent study of St. Patrick’s Latinity”, Éigse 10:2 (1961–1963): 149–154.
Bieler, Ludwig, “An Austrian fragment of a Life of St. Patrick”, The Irish Ecclesiastical Record, 5th series, 95 (1961): 176–181.
Bieler, Ludwig, and Gearóid Mac Niocaill, “Fragment of an Irish double psalter with glosses in the Library of Trinity College Dublin”, Celtica 5 (1960): 28–39.
Bieler, Ludwig, “‘Patrick and the kings.’ A propos a new chronology of St. Patrick”, The Irish Ecclesiastical Record, 5th series, 85 (1956): 171–189.  
Reviews “Patrick and the kings”, chapter 9 of Carney’s Studies in Irish literature and history (1955).
Reviews “Patrick and the kings”, chapter 9 of Carney’s Studies in Irish literature and history (1955).
Bieler, Ludwig, “Manuscripts studies in Ireland (1953-1955)”, Scriptorium 10:2 (1956): 319–321.
Bieler, Ludwig, “St. Severin and St. Patrick: a parallel”, The Irish Ecclesiastical Record, 5th series, 83 (1955): 161–166.
Bieler, Ludwig, “The notulae in the Book of Armagh”, Scriptorium 8:1 (1954): 89–97.
Bieler, Ludwig [ed.], “The Hymn of St. Secundinus”, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 55 C (1953): 117–127.
Bieler, Ludwig, “Vindiciae Patricianae: remarks on the present state of Patrician studies”, The Irish Ecclesiastical Record, 5th series, 79 (1953): 161–185.
Bieler, Ludwig, “The place of St Patrick in Latin language and literature”, Vigiliae Christianae 6 (1952): 65–98.
Bieler, Ludwig, “Versus sancti Columbani: a problem re-stated”, The Irish Ecclesiastical Record, 5th series, 76 (1951): 376–382.
Bieler, Ludwig, “Libri epistolarum sanctii Patricii episcopi: II. Commentary”, Classica et Mediaevalia 12 (1951): 79–214.
Bieler, Ludwig, “Libri epistolarum sanctii Patricii episcopi: I. Introduction and text”, Classica et Mediaevalia 11 (1950): 1–150.
Bieler, Ludwig, “Études récentes de Mario Esposito”, Scriptorium 4 (1950): 335–336.
Bieler, Ludwig, “Insular palaeography, present state and problems”, Scriptorium 3 (1949): 267–294.
Persée: <link>
Bieler, Ludwig, “The Irish Book on hymns: a palaeographical study”, Scriptorium 2:2 (1948): 177–194.
Persée: <link>
Bieler, Ludwig, “The ordination of St. Patrick”, Scriptorium 2:2 (1948): 286–287.
Bieler, Ludwig, “Casconius, the monster of the Navigatio Brendani”, Éigse 5:2 (Samhradh 1946, 1948): 139–140.
Bieler, Ludwig, “John Colgan as editor”, Franciscan Studies 8 (1948): 1–24.
Bieler, Ludwig, “The life and legend of St. Patrick”, The Irish Ecclesiastical Record, 5th series, 70 (1948): 1087–1091.
Bieler, Ludwig, “Codices Patriciani latini: addenda et corrigenda”, Analecta Bollandiana 63 (1945): 242–256.
Bieler, Ludwig, “The problem of ‘Silua Focluti’”, Irish Historical Studies 3 (1942–1943): 351–364.

Contributions to edited collections or authored works

Bieler, Ludwig, “Observations on Eriugena’s commentary on the Gospel of John: a second harvest”, in: René Roques (ed.), Jean Scot Érigène et l’histoire de la philosophie: Laon 7–12 Juillet 1975, 561, Paris: CNRS Éditions, 1977. 235–241.
Bieler, Ludwig, “Eine Patricksvita in Gloucester”, in: Johanne Autenrieth, and Franz Brunhölzl (eds), Festschrift Bernhard Bischoff: zu seinem 65. Geburtstag dargebracht von Freunden, Kollegen und Schülern, Stuttgart: A. Hiersemann, 1971. 346–363.
Bieler, Ludwig, “St. Patrick and the British church”, in: M. W. Barley, and R. P. C. Hanson (eds), Christianity in Britain, 300-700: papers presented to the Conference on Christianity in Roman and Sub-Roman Britain, held at the University of Nottingham, 17–20 April 1967, Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1969. 123–130.
Bieler, Ludwig, “The Book of Armagh”, in: s.n. (ed.), Great books of Ireland: Thomas Davis lectures, Dublin, London: Clonmore & Reynolds, Burns & Oates, 1967. 51–63.
Ludwig Bieler, “Adamnani De locis sanctis”, in: P. Geyer • O. Cuntz • A. Francheschini • Robert Weber, Itineraria et alia geographica: Itineraria Hierosolymitana. Itineraria Romana. Geographica, vol. 1 (1965): 175–234.
Bieler, Ludwig, “The chronology of St Patrick”, in: Robert E. McNally (ed.), Old Ireland, Dublin: Gill, 1965. 1–28.
Bieler, Ludwig, “Towards an interpretation of the so-called Canones Wallici”, in: J. A. Watt, J. B. Morrall, and F. X. Martin (eds), Medieval studies presented to Aubrey Gwynn, S. J., Dublin: The Three Candles, 1961. 387–392.
Bieler, Ludwig, “The palaeography of the Book of Durrow”, in: A. A. Luce [ed.], Evangeliorum quattuor codex Durmachensis: The Book of Durrow, 2 vols, Olten: Graf, 1960. 89–97.
Bieler, Ludwig, “Trias thaumaturga, 1647”, in: Terence OʼDonnell [ed.], Father John Colgan, O.F.M., 1592–1658: essays in commemoration of the third centenary of his death, Dublin: Assisi, 1959. 41–49.
Bieler, Ludwig [ed.], and Denis Meehan [tr.], “Adamnani de locis sanctis libri tres”, in: Denis Meehan [ed.], Adamnan’s De locis sanctis, 3, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1958. 36–120.
CELT – Latin text (pp. 35–120): <link> CELT – English translation: <link>
Bieler, Ludwig, “The humanism of St Columbanus”, in: Association des amis de St. Colomban, Luxeuil (ed.), Mélanges colombaniens: actes du Congrès international de Luxeuil, 20–23 juillet 1950, Paris: Alsatia, 1951. 95–102.
Bieler, Ludwig, “Anecdotum Patricianum: fragments of a Life of St. Patrick from MSS. Cotton Vitellius E. vii and Rawlinson B 479”, in: Sylvester OʼBrien [ed.], Measgra i gcuimhne Mhichíl Uí Chléirigh .i. Miscellany of historical and linguistic studies in honour of Brother Michael Ó Cléirigh, O.F.M., Chief of the Four Masters, 1643-1943, Dublin, 1944. 220–237.

As honouree

OʼMeara, John J., and Bernd Naumann (eds), Latin script and letters A.D. 400–900: Festschrift presented to Ludwig Bieler on the occasion of his 70th birthday, Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1976.

As honouree

OʼMeara, John J., and Bernd Naumann (eds), Latin script and letters A.D. 400–900: Festschrift presented to Ludwig Bieler on the occasion of his 70th birthday, Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1976..