
Agents persons, peoples and institutions

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Results (59)
  • fl. c.1480–d. 1505
French cleric, official, historian and chronicler, who held a series of offices at the court of the duchy of Brittany, first under Francis II and later Anne of Brittany.
  • s. xx–xxi
  • 1921–2000
Writer and journalist who specialised in Breton history.
  • s. xx–xxi
  • 1920 (Brest, Finistère)–2002
Breton grammarian, lexicographer and translator.
  • 1599(?)–1640x1644
  • Rennes, Morlaix
Breton Dominican friar and hagiographer, author of Les vies des saints de la Bretagne Armorique (Nantes, 1637).
  • fl. c.1379–1417
Breton cleric of the diocese of Cornouaille, notary and secretary. Historians like Michael Jones have argued that he may well be the author-compiler of the Chronicon Briocense.
  • s. xx–xxi
  • 1663–1733
  • Saumur, Saint-Mathieu de Fine-Terre abbey
  • s. xx–xxi
  • d. 1928
  • 1882–1964
French historian.
  • b. 1738–d. 1823
  • Achad Bó
Irish historian; vicar of Aghaboe;
  • s. xx–xxi