
Agents persons, peoples and institutions

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Results (184)
  • s. xx–xxi
  • c.1604–1654
Irish Dominican priest, prior of Cashel, and poet.
  • 1788–1812
  • Dublin
Irish linguist and jurist, who in 1808 published, as E[dmund] O'C[onnell], a grammar of Irish (Uraicecht na Gaedhilge).
  • s. xx–xxi
  • 1802–1896
  • Llanover
Augusta Hall (née Waddington) was a patron of Welsh language and culture.
  • 1655–1737?
Cornish antiquarian, author of a History of Cornwall (published, posthumously, in 1750) and a (misguided) Cornish-English vocabulary.
In the book of Genesis, second son of Noah and himself the father of Cush, Mizraim, Phut and Canaan.
  • s. xx–xxi
Al. Nollaig Ó hUmoltaigh.
  • s. xx–xxi
  • 1920–2019
  • s. xx–xxi
Medieval historian.