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in Acallam na senórach, one of the sons of the king of Irúaith
  • d. 788
  • Ráith Áeda ... Rahugh, Co. Westmeath
bishop and abbot of Ráith Áeda (Rahugh, Co. Westmeath)
  • d. 953
  • Bennchor ... Bangor
Bishop of Bangor. It is thought that he did not hold the abbacy, seeing as the title of abbot is given to Máel Cothaid mac Lachtnáin, who died in the same year as Dub Innse.
Son of Óengus Tírech in Dál Cáis genealogies.
One or perhaps multiple Munstermen in Irish tradition. Mac Cana has argued that historically, he may have been a chieftain who contended with Feidlimid mac Crimthainn (d. 846) for the kingship of Munster. Later traditions variously present him as a poet, husband to the sovereignty princess Mis and harpist to Feidlimid mac Crimthainn (The romance of Mis and Dub Ruis).