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Results (57)
abbot of Cenn Étig (Kinnitty, Co. Offaly), described in AFM s.a. 887 as an ollam, an aurlabraid as well as an accomplished historian (senchaid).
son of Marcán mac Tommáin in Scéla Cano meic Gartnáin
  • d. 796
  • Clúain Moccu Nóis
scholar (scriba) and poet associated with Clonmacnoise, of which he may well have been bishop. The litany Scúap chrábaid has been attributed to him.
  • d. 1658
  • Louvain, St Anthony's College
Irish Franciscan at St Anthony’s College, Louvain; scholar, theologian, editor and hagiographer.
  • s. xx–xxi
  • fl. c.1570–1647
  • Inner Hebrides, Colonsay
A head of a sept of the MacDonalds, who at one point established himself on the island of Colonsay.
One of three Collas, ancestors of the Airgíalla
One of three Collas, ancestors of the Airgíalla
One of three Collas, ancestors of the Airgíalla
  • supp. fl. c.600?
  • Llangollen, Langolen, Colan ... Cornwall
British saint associated with Llangollen (Denbighshire, Wales) and possibly with Langolen (Finistère, Brittany) and Colan (Cornwall).
Latin Irish poet, possibly of the 9th century, to whom at least two poems are attributed. The peculiar name Colmanus nepos Cracavit has been reinterpreted as a corrupted rubric which originally read Colmanus ep(is)c(opu)s craxavit, ‘Colmán the bishop wrote this’.
patron saint of Cell meic Duach (Kilmacduagh, Co. Galway)
scriba at Kildare