
Agents persons, peoples and institutions

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in LGÉ, a druid who together with Lámfhind and Alloith, leads the Goidíl on a voyage that will ultimately bring them to Ireland; e.g. protects them from the alluring voice of a siren in the Caspian Sea and prophesies the arrival in Ireland after several generations. He is identified as a son of Éber Echrúad and father of Mantán.
in LGÉ, son of Ercaid (or mac Erchada ‘son of Ercha’?), a descendant of Caicher the druid; like the latter, he is identified as the father of someone named Mantán; hence, grandfather of a third Caicher
in some versions of LGÉ, a third Caicher in the line of descent from Caicher the druid; son of Mantán
in LGÉ, son of Nama (Náma) mac Echach Gairb; father of Uillend Fáebarderg
A female seer of hideous appearance in Togail bruidne Da Derga.
Also Sentainne Bérri.
Caillín or Caillén mac Niataig, patron saint of Fidnacha (Fenagh, Co. Leitrim)
  • d. 654 (AI)
  • Inis Celtra
also Caimmíne or Mo Chammóc, patron saint of Inis Celtra (Holy Island in Lough Derg). His feastday is usually given as 24 March.
A son of Finn mac Cumaill
In the Acallam na senórach, a descendant of Eógan Mór and hence of Ailill Ólomm.
Cainnech moccu Dalonn, patron saint of Achad Bó Chainnig (Aghaboe, Co. Laois) and Cell Chainnig (Kilkenny)