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Muirchertach mac Erca See: Muirchertach mac Muiredaig

King of Ailech from the Cenél nÉogain, son of Níall Glúndub mac Áeda.

Muirchertach na Cochall Craicinin See: Muirchertach mac Néill

Muirchertach of the Leather Cloaks See: Muirchertach mac Néill

Author of a Life of St Patrick
  • supp. fl. 5th century
In Irish genealogical tradition, a son of Éogan mac Níall Noígíallaig and ancestor of one branch within the Cenél nÉogain of the northern Uí Néill.
king of Connacht in Acallam na senórach

Muiredach mac Robartaig See: Marianus Scottus of Regensburg

founder of the Síl Muiredaig
  • fl. 9th century
  • Metz, Saint-Germain d'Auxerre
also known from Latin sources as Murethach or Muridac; Irish grammarian and author of a commentary on Donatus’s Ars maior.
  • supp. fl. early 6th century
  • Cenél Lóegairi, Cell Alaid, Uí Fhiachrach Muaide
Muiredach mac Echdach, saint associated with Cell Alaid (Killala, Co. Mayo).
king of Tara from the Dál Cuinn; son of Fíachu Sraibtine.
Irish poet; son of Senchán Torpéist; sent by his father to seek knowledge of the Tain