
Agents persons, peoples and institutions

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founder of the Síl Muiredaig
  • fl. 9th century
  • Metz, Saint-Germain d'Auxerre
also known from Latin sources as Murethach or Muridac; Irish grammarian and author of a commentary on Donatus’s Ars maior.
  • supp. fl. early 6th century
  • Cenél Lóegairi, Cell Alaid, Uí Fhiachrach Muaide
Muiredach mac Echdach, saint associated with Cell Alaid (Killala, Co. Mayo).
king of Tara from the Dál Cuinn; son of Fíachu Sraibtine.
Irish poet; son of Senchán Torpéist; sent by his father to seek knowledge of the Tain
mother of Finn mac Cumaill; daughter of Tadg mac Núadat.
Irish scholar, also known by her Irish name, Caitilín Ní Mhaol-Chróin.
  • s. xx–xxi
  • s. xx–xxi
  • s. xx–xxi