
Agents persons, peoples and institutions

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Results (776)
  • 1951–2016
Breton lexicographer.
  • fl. mid–9th century
  • Gwynedd
king of Gwynedd
  • supp. fl. 6th/7th century
  • Brittany, Cornwall, Camborne, Vannes, Josselin
A saint of Breton origin who is the subject of a Middle Cornish play, Beunans Meriasek, according to which he performed many miracles during his time in Cornwall and later returned to Brittany to become bishop of Vannes. In some Breton sources, his feast-day is 7 June, while in Camborne, it used to be celebrated on the first Friday of June.
magician in Arthurian legend; primarily a creation of Geoffrey of Monmouth, who appears to have based his character on the prophet Myrddin as well as Ambrosius Aurelianus.
  • s. xx–xxi
  • c.1749–27 July 1805
prehistoric Leinster king, son of Sétna; known from archaic Irish verse and later literary references which credit him with building Dún Ailinne.
Ancestor of the Dál Messin Corb
king of Leinster(men) in tales of the Ulster Cycle; said to have been slain by Conall Cernach; his calcified brain is later taken by Cét mac Magach and used to attack Conchobar mac Nessa.
  • c.1575–1638?
Churchman and hagiographer who was born into an Old English family in Meath, studied at the Irish college at Douai and became a rector at the Irish college of Paris. He published a hagiographic collection entitled Florilegium insulae sanctorum (Paris, 1624).