
Agents persons, peoples and institutions

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Results (776)
  • fl. 1028–1082/3
  • Mag Bile, Fulda, Cologne, abbey of St Martin, Mainz, abbey of St Martin
  • d. 1080 x 1083
  • Regensburg, abbey of St James
Irish scribe, who founded the Irish monastic community at Regensburg (Ratisbon) in Bavaria, the first of the Schottenklöster to be founded in southern Germany.
  • fl. late 12th century
Medieval poet from France, who was active at the court of King Henry II; author of twelve Lais, an Isopet (collection of fables), and the Espurgatoire seint Patriz.
  • fl. 1st/2nd c. AD
  • supp. fl. c.6th century
  • Cornwall
An early king of Cornwall in the Tristan legend, according to which he was Iseult’s husband and Tristan’s uncle.
  • s. xx–xxi
  • 1638–1713
English churchman in the Church of Ireland, who served as bishop of Ferns and Leighlin (1683–1689), archbishop of Cashel (1691–1694), archbishop of Dublin (1694–1703) and finally as archbishop of Armagh (1703–1713). He founded Marsh's Library in Dublin.
  • 819–875
Irish scholar and teacher at the cathedral school at Laon.
  • fl. 4th century
bishop of Tours and saint. His vita and related writings by Martin’s younger contemporary Sulpicius Severus were highly influential in early medieval Europe, furnishing models for hagiographic writing about many other saints.
  • s. i BC–i AD
Irish historian
  • s. xx–xxi
legendary king of Gwynedd, son of Mathonwy; character in the fourth branch of the Mabinogi.
  • fl. c.1530–1545
  • Maelor Gymraeg
wandering Welsh poet