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Results (776)
  • s. xx–xxi
  • s. xx–xxi
minor Irish saint, described as a son of Inghean Bhaoith of Killinaboy (Co. Clare)
hermit; brother of Gúaire Aidne, king of Connacht
king of the Uí Maine; husband of Créd ingen Gúaire in Scéla Cano meic Gartnáin
  • fl. c. 408
  • Bordeaux
An official under Emperor Theodosius and a medical author who was active in the region of Bordeaux. His treatise De medicamentis (liber) (c. 408), which prescribes drugs and treatments for a variety of ailments, contains two incantations that are usually thought to be Gaulish in origin.
  • fl. c.1450–1483
Welsh poet and priest based in Powys.
Widely venerated virgin saint and martyr.