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One of the seven Maines, sons of Ailill and Medb in the Ulster Cycle; or one of two or three different characters in the tale of Togail bruidne Da Derga.
In the Ulster Cycle, the seven Maines (na secht Maine) are a collective designation for the seven, or eight, sons of Medb and Ailill, all of whom are named Maine: Maine Máithremail and Maine Aithremail, Maine Míngor and Maine Mórgor, Maine Andóe, Maine Milscothach and/or Maine Mó Epert, and Maine Conda(s)gaib/Cotagaib Uile.
Máel Máedoc Ua Morgair, archbishop of Armagh
Benedictine monastery founded in 1107 as a daughter-house of Niedermünster in Regensburg.
  • s. xx–xxi
  • s. viii
Hiberno-Latin grammarian
mythological figure in Irish literature, typically associated with the sea
  • Liath Mancháin ... Lemanaghan, Co. Offaly
Manchán mac Silláin, patron saint of Liath Mancháin (Lemanaghan, Co. Offaly)

The merged John Rylands and University Libraries, now collectively known as the University of Manchester Library.

  • supp. fl. 14th century
  • St Albans
A fictitious English knight to whom a travel memoir, The Travels of Sir John Mandeville, is ascribed. The work first appeared in French and English and was translated into many other languages, including Irish and Welsh.