
Agents persons, peoples and institutions

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Results (776)
  • 1773–1822
  • Torracaltin
Gaelic scholar and poet; librarian at the University and King's College, Aberdeen (1800-1818); head of the Grammar School (1819-1822); was involved in the compilation of John Macleod’s Gaelic-English dictionary.
Professor of church history (1920–1943), later also principal, at the Free Church College in Edinburgh.
Schoolmaster in Ballygrant, Islay, and a folklorist who worked with John Francis Campbell to collect oral tales in the Highlands.
  • 1756/57–1841
  • Isle of Skye
Church of Scotland minister and Gaelic scholar.
Church of Scotland minister of Kilmuir, Isle of Skye. He is one of the ministers who were visited by (and briefly joined) Samuel Johnson and James Boswell on their tour of the Hebrides.
Librarian of the Bodleian Library of Oxford University
  • r. 1132–d. 1160
  • Powys
King of Powys.