
Agents persons, peoples and institutions

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Results (345)
First Baron Docwra of Culmore, army officer.
  • fl. 6th century
  • St Dogmail ... Llandudoch
Dogwel, Dygfael, Dogmael, early British saint, patron and reputed founder of St Dogmail (Llandudoch).
  • s. xx–xxi
  • 1882–1960
High-king of Ireland (965–980) from Cenél nÉogain, son of Muirchertach mac Néill and Gormflaith.
  • fl. c.815 and later
Anonymous grammarian, probably of Irish origin, who worked on the continent and produced a grammatical treatise structured as a series of questions and answers, with ample citations from standard grammars such as Donatus and Priscian. The title Donatus ortigraphus is also applied as a shorthand for the work itself.