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Results (199)
  • fl. c.936–1004, if he is Eochaid úa Flannucáin
A medieval Irish poet to whom a number of Middle Irish poems, most of them in the Lebor gabála Érenn, have been attributed. His identification with Eochaid úa Flannucáin, a poet and historian who was guestmaster at Armagh, has gained favour over the years. In order not to pre-judge the matter, the two are distinguished in the present catalogue.
Irish poet and scholar, who was guestmaster at Armagh and superior at Cluain Fiachna (Clonfeacle). He was identified by Rudolf Thurneysen as the poet Eochaid úa Flainn, to whom several poems, most of them in the Lebor gabála, are attributed. This identification has gained favour over the years. In order not to pre-judge the matter, the two are distinguished in the present catalogue.
  • Munster, Cliu
king of Cliu in Munster, according to Táin bó Dartada and related texts.
son of Cairpre Lifechair; father of the three Collas
  • supp. fl. 5th/6th c.
son of Coirpre mac Néill
son of Énna Cennselach; said to have slain Níall Noígíallach