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Results (262)
Dutch scholar who wrote his PhD thesis on the Irish and Norse traditions about the battle of Clontarf (submitted 1938) under the supervision of A. G. van Hamel.
  • s. xx–xxi
  • fl. c.17th century, first half
  • Cashel, Franciscan friary
Friar, guardian of the Franciscan friary in Cashel, and scribe who was responsible for a copy of the Vitae sanctorum Hiberniae and had worked together with the Four Masters.
  • fl. 1270–1330
French physician, professor of medicine at the University of Montpellier and author of a number of medical treatises. His Lilium medicinae was translated into Irish.
daughter of Flann Sinna, king of Mide from the Clann Cholmáin branch of the southern Uí Néill, and Gormlaith, daughter of Flann mac Conaing, king of Brega.