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Results (22)
  • d. in/after 1198
  • Oxford University, University of Paris
Theologian and author.
  • d. in or after 1363
Scottish historian and author of what is known as the Chronica gentis Scotorum, which was incorporated into Walter Bower’s Polychronicon. The Gesta annalia were also formerly attributed to him, but are now known as two works, Gesta annalia I and its continuation, Gesta annalia II, that are not connected to Fordun. Little is known of his life.
  • fl. 14th century
English historian and hagiographer, known for having produced a chronicle, the Historia aurea, and a collection of saints’ lives, the Sanctilogium Anglia, Wallia, Scotiae et Hiberniae, which would form the basis of the Nova legenda Angliae.
  • fl 9th century
  • Laon
Irish scholar and theologian who had been active as a teacher at the palace school of Charles the Bald.
One of the apostles of Christ in the New Testament, brother of James; traditionally identified with John the Evangelist.
Welsh cleric, vicar (or parson?) of Llanfair Dyffryn Clwyd (Denbighshire), and poet.
  • s. xx–xxi
  • s. xx–xxi