
Agents persons, peoples and institutions

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Results (262)
Angel or archangel who appears to prophets Daniel and Ezekiel in the Old Testament and to John the Baptist's father Zacharias in the Annunciation narrative of Luke. He is also a prominent agent of God in the Book of Enoch.

A society established in 1807 “for the investigation and revival of ancient Irish literature”. Its members included men like William Haliday, John Lanagan, Theophilus O'Flanagan and Edward O'Reilly.

  • fl. 615
Reputed founder of St. Gall in modern-day Switzerland and one of Columbanus’ companions. His 9th-century Lives written at Reichenau claim that he was of Irish origin.
  • s. xx–xxi
  • d. 732
  • Mag Eo
Northumbrian associate of Colmán of Lindisfarne, abbot of Mag Eo (Mayo).
Father of Echrad, wife of Codal, in the dinnshenchas of Codal.
Welsh printer and founder of Gwasg Gee. His son was the preacher and journalist Thomas Gee.