
Warner (G. F.)

Brewer, J. S., J. F. Dimock, and G. F. Warner, Giraldi Cambrensis opera, 8 vols, Rolls Series, 21, London, 1861–1891.
Warner, G. F., Giraldi Cambrensis opera, 8 vols, vol. 8: De principis instructione liber; with index to vols. 1–4 and 8, London, 1891.
Internet Archive: <link> Digitale-sammlungen.de: <link> Digitale-sammlungen.de: View in Mirador
Warner, G. F. [ed.], The buke of John Maundeville: being the Travels of Sir John Mandeville, a hitherto unpublished English version from the unique copy, Egerton MS., 1982, in the British Museum, Westminster: Roxburghe Club, 1889.
Gallica: <link> Gallica: View in Mirador


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