
Owen (Ann Parry)

  • s. xx–xxi
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Owen, Ann Parry, Geirfâu’r Fflyd, 1632-1633: casgliad John Jones, Gellilyfdy o eiriau’r cartref, crefftau, amaeth a byd natur, Aberystwyth: University of Wales Press, 2023.  
Published as printed book and e-book.

Mae John Jones, Gellilyfdy, sir y Fflint (c.1580–1658) yn enwog fel ysgrifydd medrus a dibynadwy a gopïodd nifer helaeth o destunau canoloesol, mewn llaw galigraffig hardd. Mae ei gopïau o farddoniaeth a rhyddiaith ganoloesol yn arbennig o werthfawr i’r ysgolhaig Cymraeg, gan nad yw ei ffynonellau’n aml wedi goroesi. Ond nid copïwr yn unig oedd John Jones. Pan oedd yng ngharchar y Fflyd yn Llundain yn ystod y 1630au cynnar, cynhyrchodd restrau o dros 7,000 o eiriau wedi eu trefnu’n thematig dan 130 o benawdau, gan eu cofnodi’n daclus mewn tair llawysgrif. Mae’r geirfâu hyn, a gyhoeddir yma am y tro cyntaf, yn cynnwys geiriau am sawl agwedd ar fywyd bob dydd: y tŷ a’i gynnwys; crefftwyr traddodiadol a’u hoffer; dyn, ei gorff a’i afiechydon, a’r gemau a’r chwaraeon a’i difyrrai; a byd natur, gan gynnwys rhestrau maith o enwau coed, llysiau, pysgod ac adar. Rhydd y geirfâu gipolwg gwerthfawr i ni ar fywyd ac iaith gŵr bonheddig o sir y Fflint ar ddechrau’r ail ganrif ar bymtheg, yn ogystal ag ychwanegu’n fawr at eirfa Gymraeg hysbys y cyfnod.

Owen, Ann Parry, “Canu i Gadfan”, Seintiau, Online, 2018–. URL: <http://www.welshsaints.ac.uk/edition/texts/verse/CadfanLlF/edited-text.eng.html>.
Owen, Ann Parry, “Gramadeg Gwysanau: a fragment of 14th-century Welsh bardic grammar”, in: Deborah Hayden, and Paul Russell (eds), Grammatica, gramadach and gramadeg: vernacular grammar and grammarians in medieval Ireland and Wales, 125, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2016. 181–200.  
This chapter discusses a recently-discovered fragment of a Welsh bardic grammar, preserved on a single vellum bifolium in the Flintshire Record Office in Hawarden. It was probably composed in the third quarter of the fourteenth century by an anonymous author from north-east Wales. It is one of only two Welsh literary manuscripts from before 1400 written in a documentary hand (Anglicana) rather than in a book hand. It is quite different from the other surviving bardic grammars and discusses matters such as composition, transmission of poetry (orally and in written form) and orthography in a lively manner, and offering advice to pupil poets. The author was aware of the fact that earlier poetry was preserved in manuscripts with varying orthographical practices; and was also aware of the work of other Welsh grammarians from the past. An edition of the text is offered with accompanying translation.
Owen, Ann Parry, “‘An audacious man of beautiful words’: Ieuan Gethin (c.1390–c.1470)”, Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium 34 (2014): 1–34.
Owen, Ann Parry, Gwaith Ieuan Gethin, Cyfres beirdd yr uchelwyr, 41, Aberystwyth: Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies, University of Wales, 2013.  
Ieuan Gethin was a gentleman-poet from Baglan near Swansea ( fl 1405–61), who took part in the Owain Glyndŵr rising in Glamorgan in the first decade of the fifteenth century. Only ten of his poems have survived, but their subject matter varies greatly and his fare is quite different to that usually provided by his professional contemporaries. We have here several humorous narrative poems where he portrays himself as an old man to whom unfortunate events occur: thieves stealing his wild bees’ nests, a fox taking the goose which he had fattened for Christmas, and his painful experience of catching a venereal disease following an encounter with a beautiful young woman. Also in the collection are two significant poems to Owain Tudur of Penmynydd, Anglesey (the grandfather of Henry VII) and two poignant poems composed when his daughter and son, Siôn, died of the plague. The very personal response to loss expressed in these poems makes it all the easier to empathize with his grief; both poems are free from the usual constraints of the more formal elegies of the period.
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Evans, Dylan Foster, Barry J. Lewis, and Ann Parry Owen [eds], Gwalch cywyddau gwŷr: ysgrifau ar Guto'r Glyn a Chymru'r bymthegfed ganrif / Essays on Guto'r Glyn and fifteenth-century Wales, Aberystwyth: Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies, University of Wales, 2013.
Owen, Ann Parry, “Gramadeg Gwysanau (Archify Sir y Fflint, D/GW 2082)”, Llên Cymru 33 (2010): 1–31.
Owen, Ann Parry, “(Editions with notes and translations)”, Gwaith Dafydd ap Gwilym, Online: Welsh Department, Swansea University, 2007. URL: <http://www.dafyddapgwilym.net>.
Owen, Ann Parry, Gwaith Gruffudd ap Maredudd, vol. 3: Canu Amrywiol, Cyfres beirdd yr uchelwyr, 33, Aberystwyth: Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies, University of Wales, 2006. xix + 283 pp.  
This is the last of three volumes of the work of Gruffudd ap Maredudd ap Dafydd, the Gogynfardd from Anglesey who flourished in the second half of the fourteenth century. It contains a variety of poems reflecting the broad range of subjects that inspired a poet such as Gruffudd. There is a highly nationalistic ode to Owain Lawgoch, a direct descendant of the Gwynedd royal dynasty, encouraging him to return from France to repossess Wales. This poem is a striking contrast to the later elegy to Sir Hywel y Fwyall, the former constable of Cricieth castle, who was honoured for his service to the King of England in the battle of Poitiers. There are three poems dedicated to women: two series of love englynion to the aristocratic girls of Anglesey, and the third a powerful elegiac ode to Gwenhwyfar of Pentraeth, claimed to be one of the greatest poems of the fourteenth century. His four surviving satirical poems are cruel, and contain descriptions of bodily pestilence, of a woman with very loose morals, and of the contorted body of a thief hanging on a gibbet. A full glossary to all of Gruffudd’s work is provided at the end of the volume.
(source: University of Wales)
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Owen, Ann Parry, and Dylan Foster Evans, Gwaith Llywelyn Brydydd Hoddnant, Dafydd ap Gwilym, Hillyn ac eraill; ynghyd â dwy awdl gan Lywelyn Ddu ab y Pastard, Cyfres beirdd yr uchelwyr, 5, Aberystwyth: Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies, University of Wales, 1996.
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Owen, Ann Parry, “‘A mi, feirdd, i mewn a chwi allan’: Cynddelw Brydydd Mawr a’i grefft”, in: Morfydd E. Owen, and Brynley F. Roberts (eds), Beirdd a thywysogion: barddoniaeth llys yng Nghymru, Iwerddon a’r Alban: cyflwynedig i R. Geraint Gruffydd, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1996. 143–165.
Jones, Nerys Ann, and Ann Parry Owen [eds.], Gwaith Cynddelw Brydydd Mawr, 2 vols, Cyfres beirdd y tywysogion, 3, 4, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1991–1995.


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