
Olson (Lynette)

Wooding, Jonathan M., and Lynette Olson (eds), Prophecy, fate and memory in the early medieval Celtic world, Sydney: Sydney University Press, 2020.
Olson, Lynette, “Armes Prydein as a legacy of Gildas”, in: Jonathan M. Wooding, and Lynette Olson (eds), Prophecy, fate and memory in the early medieval Celtic world, Sydney: Sydney University Press, 2020. 170–187.
Olson, Lynette (ed.), St Samson of Dol and the earliest history of Brittany, Cornwall and Wales, Studies in Celtic History, 37, Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2017.  
The First Life of St Samson of Dol (Vita Prima Samsonis) is a key text for the study of early Welsh, Cornish, Breton and indeed west Frankish history. In the twentieth century it was the subject of unresolved scholarly controversy that tended to limit its usefulness. However, more recent research has firmly re-established its significance as a historical source.

This volume presents the results of new, multi-disciplinary, assessment of the text and its context. What emerges from the studies collected here is a context of greater plausibility for the First Life of St Samson of Dol as an early and essentially historical text, potentially at the centre of early British Christianity and its influence on the Continent. The landscape of that Christianity is gradually emerging from the shadows and it is a landscape in which the career of St Samson, the first Insular peregrinus, is shown to be of considerable importance.
Olson, Lynette, “Introduction: ‘getting somewhere’ with the First Life of St Samson of Dol”, in: Lynette Olson (ed.), St Samson of Dol and the earliest history of Brittany, Cornwall and Wales, 37, Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2017. 1–18.
Olson, Lynette, “The date of the First Life of St Samson of Dol”, in: Pamela OʼNeill (ed.), The land beneath the sea: essays in honour of Anders Ahlqvist’s contribution to Celtic studies in Australia, 14, Sydney: Celtic Studies Foundation, University of Sydney, 2013. 171–182.
Olson, Lynette, “The early hagiography of Saint Samson of Dol”, in: Geraint Evans, Bernard Martin, and Jonathan M. Wooding (eds), Origins and revivals: proceedings of the First Australian Conference of Celtic Studies, 3, Sydney: Centre for Celtic Studies, University of Sydney, 2000. 123–133.
Olson, Lynette, Early monasteries in Cornwall, Studies in Celtic History, 11, Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 1989.


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