
O'Mahony (Thaddeus)

  • d. 1903
  • (agents)
Hancock, W. Neilson, Thaddeus OʼMahony, Alexander George Richey, and Robert Atkinson [ed. and tr.], Ancient laws of Ireland, 6 vols, Stationery Office: Dublin, 1865–1901.
Internet Archive – Various: <link>
Hancock, W. Neilson, Thaddeus OʼMahony, Alexander George Richey, and Robert Atkinson [ed. and tr.], Ancient laws of Ireland, 6 vols, vol. 5: Uraicecht Becc and certain other selected Brehon law tracts, Stationery Office: Dublin, 1901.
Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link>
Hancock, W. Neilson, Thaddeus OʼMahony, Alexander George Richey, and Robert Atkinson [ed. and tr.], Ancient laws of Ireland, 6 vols, vol. 4: Din Techtugad and certain other selected Brehon law tracts, Stationery Office: Dublin, 1879.
Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link>, <link>, <link>
Hancock, W. Neilson, Thaddeus OʼMahony, Alexander George Richey, and Robert Atkinson [ed. and tr.], Ancient laws of Ireland, 6 vols, vol. 3: Senchus Mor (conclusion): being the Corus bescna ... and the Book of Aichill, Stationery Office: Dublin, 1873.
Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link>
Hancock, W. Neilson, Thaddeus OʼMahony, Alexander George Richey, and Robert Atkinson [ed. and tr.], Ancient laws of Ireland, 6 vols, vol. 2: Senchus Mor, Stationery Office: Dublin, 1869.
Google Books: <link>
Hancock, W. Neilson, Thaddeus OʼMahony, Alexander George Richey, and Robert Atkinson [ed. and tr.], Ancient laws of Ireland, 6 vols, vol. 1: Senchus Mor, Stationery Office: Dublin, 1865.
Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive – originally from Google Books: <link>, <link>
Wordsworth, Christopher, Naomh Padruig, a bheatha, agus a aimsir: St Patrick, his life and times, tr. Thaddeus OʼMahony, Dublin: Gill, 1854.
Internet Archive: <link>


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