
McCone (Kim R.)

  • s. xx–xxi
  • (agents)
McCone, Kim, “Cú Chulainn’s first arming and outing (cét-gabál gaiscid): Roman and Greek parallels for his slaying of three brothers (Horatius, the Curiatii and Heracles), ‘woman trouble‘ (Horatius and Coriolanus), and immersions (Diomedes and Odysseus)”, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 69 (2022): 201–226.
McCone, Kim, “Warriors’ blazing heads and eyes, Cú Chulainn and other fiery cyclopes, ‘bright’ Balar, and the etymology of Old Irish cáech ‘one-eyed’”, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 69 (2022): 183–200.
McCone, Kim, “Mocking the afflicted: morals and missing body-parts in Scéla muicce meic Da Thó and Waltharius”, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 68 (2021): 197–248.
McCone, Kim, “King’s sons, a hideous hag and a golden stag in Indian epic: an addendum to McCone 2020”, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 68 (2021): 249–254.
McCone, Kim, “Unstressed vowels and consonant quality in Old Irish: u or non-u?”, in: Liam Breatnach, Ruairí Ó hUiginn, Damian McManus, and Katharine Simms (eds), Proceedings of the XIV International Congress of Celtic Studies, held in Maynooth University, 1–5 August 2011, Dublin: School of Celtic Studies, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 2015. 109–135.
McCone, Kim, “A brief ornithology of sex”, in: Georgia Henley, Paul Russell, and Joseph F. Eska (eds), Rhetoric and reality in medieval Celtic literature: studies in honor of Daniel F. Melia, 11-12, Hamilton, NY: Colgate University Press, 2014. 108–113.
McCone, Kim, “The Celts: questions of nomenclature and identity”, in: Patricia Ronan (ed.), Ireland and its contacts / L'Irlande et ses contacts, 38, Lausanne: Centre de linguistique et des sciences du langage, 2013. 19–36.
McCone, Kim, “Gaulish bussu-, Irish bod ‘penis’, and Sanskrit buddha ‘aroused, enlightened’”, in: Liam Mac Amhlaigh, and Brian Ó Curnáin (eds), Ilteangach, ilseiftiúil: féilscríbhinn in ómós do Nicholas Williams = A festschrift in honour of Nicholas Williams, Dublin: Arlen House, 2012. 123–136.
McCone, Kim, “The Celtic and Indo-European origins of the fían”, in: Sharon J. Arbuthnot, and Geraldine Parsons (eds), The Gaelic Finn tradition, Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2012. 14–30.
McCone, Kim, “Kochen”, Die Sprache 48 (2009, 2010): 107–111.
MacShamhráin, Ailbhe, Nora White, Aidan Breen, and Kim R. McCone, Monasticon Hibernicum: early Christian ecclesiastical settlement in Ireland, 5th to 12th centuries, Online: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, School of Celtic Studies, 2008–present. URL: <https://monasticon.celt.dias.ie>.
McCone, Kim, “Greek Κελτός and Γαλάτης, Latin Gallus ‘Gaul’”, Die Sprache 46 (2006, 2008): 94–111.
McCone, Kim, “Die Spottwettkämpfe in der Geschichte von Mac Da Thós Schwein”, Keltische Forschungen 1 (2006): 149–161.
McCone, Kim R., The origins and development of the insular Celtic verbal complex, Maynooth Studies in Celtic Linguistics, 6, Maynooth: Department of Old Irish, National University of Ireland, 2006.
McCone, Kim, “Chapter 8: The subjunctive stem”, in: Kim McCone, A first Old Irish grammar and reader: including an introduction to Middle Irish, 3, Maynooth: Department of Old and Middle Irish, 2005. 121–134.
McCone, Kim, A first Old Irish grammar and reader: including an introduction to Middle Irish, Maynooth Medieval Irish Texts, 3, Maynooth: Department of Old and Middle Irish, 2005.
McCone, Kim, “Chapter 3: The verb ‘to be’ and word order”, in: Kim McCone, A first Old Irish grammar and reader: including an introduction to Middle Irish, 3, Maynooth: Department of Old and Middle Irish, 2005. 39–51.
McCone, Kim, “Chapter 9: The future stem”, in: Kim McCone, A first Old Irish grammar and reader: including an introduction to Middle Irish, 3, Maynooth: Department of Old and Middle Irish, 2005. 135–149.
McCone, Kim, “Chapter 4: Pronouns, prepositions and numerals”, in: Kim McCone, A first Old Irish grammar and reader: including an introduction to Middle Irish, 3, Maynooth: Department of Old and Middle Irish, 2005. 53–66.
McCone, Kim, “Chapter 10: The augment”, in: Kim McCone, A first Old Irish grammar and reader: including an introduction to Middle Irish, 3, Maynooth: Department of Old and Middle Irish, 2005. 151–164.
McCone, Kim, “Chapter 5: The present stem, simple and compound verbs, object pronouns”, in: Kim McCone, A first Old Irish grammar and reader: including an introduction to Middle Irish, 3, Maynooth: Department of Old and Middle Irish, 2005. 67–84.
McCone, Kim, “Chapter 11: Further reading”, in: Kim McCone, A first Old Irish grammar and reader: including an introduction to Middle Irish, 3, Maynooth: Department of Old and Middle Irish, 2005. 165–171.
McCone, Kim, “Chapter 6: The preterite active stem and the relative markers”, in: Kim McCone, A first Old Irish grammar and reader: including an introduction to Middle Irish, 3, Maynooth: Department of Old and Middle Irish, 2005. 85–101.
McCone, Kim, “Chapter 12: A basic introduction to Middle Irish”, in: Kim McCone, A first Old Irish grammar and reader: including an introduction to Middle Irish, 3, Maynooth: Department of Old and Middle Irish, 2005. 173–217.
McCone, Kim, “Chapter 1: Preliminaries”, in: Kim McCone, A first Old Irish grammar and reader: including an introduction to Middle Irish, 3, Maynooth: Department of Old and Middle Irish, 2005. 1–19.


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