
Vaart-Verschoof (Sasja van der)

  • s. xx–xxi
  • (agents)
Vaart-Verschoof, Sasja van der, “Vorstengraven vernieuwd. Recent onderzoek naar elite graven uit de vroege ijzertijd in de Lage Landen”, in: E. A. G. Ball, R. Jansen, E. H. L. D. Norde, and K. M. de Vries (eds), Metaaltijden 5: bijdragen in de studie van de metaaltijden, Leiden: Sidestone Press, 2018. 91–112.
Fontijn, David, and Sasja van der Vaart-Verschoof, “Local elites globalized in death: a practice approach to early Iron Age Hallstatt C/D chieftains’ burials in northwest Europe”, in: Tamar Hodos (ed.), The Routledge handbook of globalization and archaeology, London, New York: Routledge, 2017..
Vaart-Verschoof, Sasja van der, Fragmenting the chieftain: Catalogue. Late Bronze and Early Iron Age elite burials in the Low Countries, PALMA, 15b, Leiden: Sidestone Press, 2017.
Vaart-Verschoof, Sasja van der, Fragmenting the chieftain. A practice-based study of Early Iron Age Hallstatt C elite burials of the Low Countries, PALMA, 15a, Leiden: Sidestone Press, 2017.
Vaart-Verschoof, Sasja van der, “Fragmente des Fürstlichen. Vorläufige Ergebnisse zu den Bestattungssitten ältereisenzeitlicher Eliten in den Benelux-Ländern”, in: Raimund Karl, and Jutta Leskovar (eds), Interpretierte Eisenzeiten. Fallstudien, Methoden, Theorie. Tagungsbeiträge der 6. Linzer Gespräche zur interpretativen Eisenzeitarchäologie, 42, Linz: Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum, 2015..
Fontijn, David, Richard Jansen, Sasja van der Vaart, Harry Fokkens, and Ivo van Wijk, “Conclusion, the seventh mound of seven mounds: long-term history of the Zevenbergen barrow landscape”, in: David Fontijn, Sasja van der Vaart, and Richard Jansen [eds], Transformation through destruction. A monumental and extraordinary Early Iron Age Hallstatt C barrow from the ritual landscape of Oss-Zevenbergen, Leiden: Sidestone Press, 2013. 281–316.
Fontijn, David, Sasja van der Vaart, and Richard Jansen [eds], Transformation through destruction. A monumental and extraordinary Early Iron Age Hallstatt C barrow from the ritual landscape of Oss-Zevenbergen, Leiden: Sidestone Press, 2013.  
Some 2800 years ago, a man died in what is now the municipality of Oss, the Netherlands. His death must have been a significant event in the life of local communities, for he received an extraordinary funeral, which ended with the construction of an impressive barrow. Based on the meticulous excavation and a range of specialist and comprehensive studies of finds, a prehistoric burial ritual now can be brought to life in surprising detail. An Iron Age community used extraordinary objects that find their closest counterpart in the elite graves of the Hallstatt culture in Central Europe. This book will discuss how lavishly decorated items were dismantled and taken apart to be connected with the body of the deceased, all to be destroyed by fire. In what appears to be a meaningful pars pro toto ritual, the remains of his body, the pyre, and the objects were searched through and moved about, with various elements being manipulated, intentionally broken, and interred or removed. In essence, a person and a place were transformed through destruction. The book shows how the mourners carefully, almost lovingly covered the funeral remains with a barrow. Attention is also given to another remarkable monument, long mound 6, located immediately adjacent to mound 7. Excavations show how mound 7 was part of an age-old ritual heath landscape that was entirely restructured during the Early Iron Age, when it became the setting for the building of no less than three huge Hallstatt C barrows. Thousands of years later, during the Late Middle Ages, this landscape underwent a complete transformation of meaning when the prehistoric barrows became the scenery for a macabre display of the cadavers of executed criminals.
Vaart, Sasja van der, David Fontijn, and Patrick Valentijn, “The central find assemblage of mound 7”, in: David Fontijn, Sasja van der Vaart, and Richard Jansen [eds], Transformation through destruction. A monumental and extraordinary Early Iron Age Hallstatt C barrow from the ritual landscape of Oss-Zevenbergen, Leiden: Sidestone Press, 2013. 119–140.
Fontijn, David, and Sasja van der Vaart, “Dismantled, transformed, and deposited: prehistoric bronze from the centre of mound 7”, in: David Fontijn, Sasja van der Vaart, and Richard Jansen [eds], Transformation through destruction. A monumental and extraordinary Early Iron Age Hallstatt C barrow from the ritual landscape of Oss-Zevenbergen, Leiden: Sidestone Press, 2013. 151–194.
Fontijn, David, Richard Jansen, and Sasja van der Vaart, “The urn, bone, and iron from the central find assemblage in mound 7”, in: David Fontijn, Sasja van der Vaart, and Richard Jansen [eds], Transformation through destruction. A monumental and extraordinary Early Iron Age Hallstatt C barrow from the ritual landscape of Oss-Zevenbergen, Leiden: Sidestone Press, 2013. 141–150.
Jansen, Richard, Luc Amkreutz, and Sasja van der Vaart, “Preserving and presenting the mounds and finds of Oss-Zevenbergen”, in: David Fontijn, Sasja van der Vaart, and Richard Jansen [eds], Transformation through destruction. A monumental and extraordinary Early Iron Age Hallstatt C barrow from the ritual landscape of Oss-Zevenbergen, Leiden: Sidestone Press, 2013. 317–324.


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March 2018