
Rhydderch ap Iestyn

  • d. 1033
  • kings
  • (agents)
King in south Wales, who after Llywelyn ap Seisyll’s death (1023), began to expand his power, became king of Deheubarth, apparently by seizing the kingdom, and later proclaimed himself king of south Wales. According to an entry in Brut y tywysogion, he was slain by the Irish.

king of Deheubarth
1023–1033Also ruler of Glywysing.


Secondary sources (select)

Downham, Clare, “England and the Irish-Sea zone in the eleventh century”, Anglo-Norman Studies 26 (2004): 55–74.  

Many historical studies have been written about Anglo-Irish relations in the years immediately after the English invasion of Ireland in 1169. That the invasion should have an important place in research is understandable, given its long-term impact and its implications in recent historical and political debate. In contrast, very few publications have focused on Anglo-Irish political interaction in the eleventh century. In this paper, I hope to draw more attention to this somewhat neglected field of enquiry.

The emphasis of historical scholarship on the invasion and its aftermath has perhaps influenced the interpretation of earlier events. The issues in the eleventh century which have been studied most are those which can be seen to foreshadow the later invasion. These include Canterbury's claims of ecclesiastical primacy, and the alleged ambitions of Knútr or William the Conqueror to dominate Irish rulers. Meanwhile, research on a wider range of issues has been lacking. The resulting narrative gives a rather selective view of events. This hindsight perspective has, I suggest, meant that England's domination of Irish rulers in the eleventh century has tended to be exaggerated. Furthermore Ireland's impact on England has generally been underestimated. In this paper I seek to highlight Ireland's significance in English affairs from the reign of Æthelred the Unready to that of William Rufus.

From the late ninth century Ireland's main contacts with England were through the viking towns of Dublin, Waterford and Limerick.


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Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
July 2021, last updated: November 2021