
Reeves (William)

  • 1815–1892
  • scribes, authors, scholars
  • (agents)
Irish antiquarian scholar; bishop of the Anglican see of Down, Connor and Dromore; keeper of the Armagh Public Library
patron:Reeves (William)
scribes:Reeves (William)
scribes:Reeves (William)
Reeves, William [ed.], and J. T. Fowler, Adamnani Vita S. Columbae, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1894.  
Based on the original edition by William Reeves, with introduction, glossary and notes by Fowler.
Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link>
Reeves, William, “Les monastères celtiques aux VIe et VIIe siècles, d'après les usages de l'ile d'Iona”, Annales de Bretagne 9 (1894): 182–209.
Rennes – offprint: <link> Gallica: <link>
Reeves, William, “On the bell of St. Patrick, called the Clog an Edachta [read November 9, 1863]”, Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy 27 (1877–1886): 1–30.
Jstor – Open access: <link>
Reeves, William, “On the Céli Dé, commonly called Culdees”, Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy 24 — Antiquities (1873): 119–263.
JSTOR: <link>
OʼDonovan, John, James Henthorn Todd, and William Reeves [ed. and tr.], The martyrology of Donegal: a calendar of the saints of Ireland, Dublin, 1864.
Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link>
Reeves, William, “On the Island of Sanda”, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy (first series) 8 (April 14, 1862, 1864): 132–135.
 : <link>
Reeves, William, The Culdees of the British Islands, as they appear in history: with an appendix of evidences, Dublin: Gill, 1864.
HathiTrust: <link>
Reeves, William, “Memoir of Stephen White”, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy (first series) 8 (November 30, 1861, 1861–1864): 29–38.
 : <link>
Reeves, William, “On SS. Marinus and Anianus”, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy (first series) 8 (February 23, 1863, 1861–1864): 295–301.
 : <link>
Reeves, William, “[On certain Irish ecclesiastical bells]”, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy (first series) 8 (December 14, 1963, 1861–1864): 441–450.
 : <link>
Reeves, William, “On certain crannoges in Ulster”, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy (first series) 7 (1862): 153=159.
Internet Archive – For p. 163, scroll past p. 211: <link>
Reeves, William, “Memoir of the church of St Duilech”, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy (first series) 7 (1862): 141–147.
Internet Archive – For p. 163, scroll past p. 211: <link>
Reeves, William, “An account of the crannoge of Inishrush, and its ancient occupants”, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy (first series) 7 (1862): 212–217.
Internet Archive – For p. 163, scroll past p. 211: <link>
Reeves, William, and Charles P. Mac Donnell [quoted], “On Marianus Scotus, of Ratisbon”, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy (first series) 7 (1857–1861): 290–301.
Reeves, William, and Ferdinand Keller, “Early Irish caligraphy”, Ulster Journal of Archaeology (first series) 8 (1860): 210–230, 291–308.
Reeves, William, Life of St. Columba, founder of Hy, written by Adamnan, 1st ed., Dublin: Irish Archaeological and Celtic Society, 1857.
CELT – edition: <link> CELT – translation: <link> Internet Archive – original print: <link> Internet Archive – 1874 reprint: <link> Digitale-sammlungen.de: <link> Digitale-sammlungen.de: View in Mirador
Reeves, William, “On the Irish abbey of Honau, on the Rhine”, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy (first series) 6 (1853–1857): 452–461.
 : <link>
Reeves, William, “Irish library no. 2: Fleming’s Collectanea sacra”, Ulster Journal of Archaeology (first series) 2 (1854): 253–261.
Reeves, William, “Irish itinerary of Father Edmund MacCana”, Ulster Journal of Archaeology (first series) 2 (1854): 44–59.
Reeves, William, “The island of Tiree”, Ulster Journal of Archaeology (first series) 2 (1854): 233–244.
Reeves, William, and Eugene OʼCurry [tr.], “On an Irish MS. of the Four Gospels in the British Museum”, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy (first series) 5 (1853): 45–67.  
comments: Eugene O'Curry supplies the translation for the Irish poem beginning 'Aurilius humilis ard' (and others as well?).
Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link>
Reeves, William, “Saint Mura”, Ulster Journal of Archaeology (first series) 1 (1853): 271–273.
Internet Archive: <link>
Reeves, William, “Irish library no. 1: Colgan's works”, Ulster Journal of Archaeology (first series) 1 (1853): 295–302.
Internet Archive: <link>
Reeves, William, “The Antiphonary of Bangor”, Ulster Journal of Archaeology (first series) 1 (1853): 168–179.
Reeves, William [ed.], Acts of Archbishop Colton in his Metropolitan Visitation of the diocese of Derry, AD MCCCXCVII; with a rental of the see estates at that time, Dublin: Irish Archaeological Society, 1850.  
Contents: Introduction (i-xx); Visitatio metropolitica diocesis Derensis (1-86); Appendix: Additional notes (89-134): A. Episcopal styles; B. Reconciliation of churches; C. The church of Banagher; D. Rule of St. Columbkille; E. Revenue of the See of Derry; F. St Patrick's labours in the diocese of Derry; G. Secular distribution Tyrone; H. Parishes omitted in the Rentale; Index (135-149).
Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link>

See also: Armagh, Robinson Library
Armagh Robinson Library (formerly, Public Library)

Public library founded in 1771 by archbishop Richard Robinson.

See more
Mac Donnell (Charles P.)
Mac Donnell (Charles P.)
Irish scholar who has been identified as a “a member of the Royal Irish Academy [since 1847], the Irish Archæological Society, and the Celtic Society; from 1850 onwards he appears in Dublin directories as Pursuivant at Arms in Dublin Castle”.

See more
Todd (James Henthorn)
Todd (James Henthorn)
James Henthorn Todd, Irish scholar known for his contributions to Irish studies.

See more


Secondary sources (select)

Reference works
McGuire, James [ed.], and James Quinn [ed.], Dictionary of Irish biography, online ed., Online: Royal Irish Academy, Cambridge University Press, 2009–present. URL: <https://www.dib.ie>.
O'Brien (Andrew)Lunney (Linde) [id. 007612.v1. ‘William Reeves’] direct link
Moore, Norman, and Nollaig Ó Muraíle [rev.], “Reeves, William (1815–1892)”, Oxford dictionary of national biography, Online: Oxford University Press, 2008–.
Thompson, John, “William Reeves and the medieval texts and manuscripts at Armagh”, Peritia 10 (1996): 363–380.  
The achievement of William Reeves as Armagh keeper can be closely associated with the changing mid-nineteenth-century fortunes of the Armagh library property. In the absence of a detailed survey of small Irish collections to match the example set by N. R. Ker’s magisterial Medieval manuscripts in British libraries, this study traces the crucial role played by Reeves in the history of several important manuscripts and early books now in Armagh Public Library.
Ó Cuív, Brian, “A seventeenth-century Irish manuscript”, Éigse 13 (1969–1970): 143–152.
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C. A., Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
October 2016, last updated: May 2022