
Qiu (Fangzhe)

  • s. xx–xxi
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Stifter, David, Fangzhe Qiu, Marco A. Aquino-López, Bernhard Bauer, Elliott Lash, and Nora White, “Strategies in tracing linguistic variation in a corpus of Old Irish texts (CorPH)”, International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 27:4 (Oct., 2022): 529–553.  

Languages change constantly in all linguistic domains – phonology, morphology, syntax, and lexical use – and their graphic expressions are subject to fashions. Irish, a Celtic language spoken in Ireland, is in no way different. With a written history of more than 1,500 years, Irish is among the oldest attested languages in Europe. Because of its long textual tradition, its development through time is reflected in the huge amount of variation observable in the extant sources, i.e. texts in manuscripts from the 8th up to as late as the 17th and 18th century. The European Research Council-funded project Chronologicon Hibernicum (hereafter ChronHib; 2015–2021) has studied the diachronic evolution of the early medieval Irish language, best known as Old Irish. This article presents the major challenges posed by extant Old Irish texts and introduces two methods developed in the ChronHib project to study synchronic and diachronic variation in the extant material, namely variation tagging and Bayesian language variation analysis.

Qiu, Fangzhe, “Law, law-books and tradition in early medieval Ireland”, in: Thom Gobbitt (ed.), Law / book / culture in the Middle Ages, 14, Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2021. 126–146.
Lash, Elliott, Fangzhe Qiu, and David Stifter, “Introduction: Celtic studies and corpus linguistics”, in: Elliott Lash, Fangzhe Qiu, and David Stifter (eds), Morphosyntactic variation in medieval Celtic languages: corpus-based approaches, 346, Berlin, Online: De Gruyter Mouton, 2020. 1–12.
Lash, Elliott, Fangzhe Qiu, and David Stifter (eds), Morphosyntactic variation in medieval Celtic languages: corpus-based approaches, Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs, 346, Berlin, Online: De Gruyter Mouton, 2020.
Qiu, Fangzhe, “Old Irish aue ‘descendant’ and its descendants”, Indogermanische Forschungen 124 (2019): 343–374.  
This paper intends to study the history of the Old Irish word aue ‘descendant, grandchild’ in both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The former approach tries to demonstrate what forms this word evolved into from the early Old Irish period up to the end of the Middle Irish period, and to establish the phonological changes it underwent in accordance with our present understanding of the history of the Irish language. The latter approach is based on a linguistically annotated corpus of the Annals of Ulster, and shows the distribution of variant forms of aue in relation to the period they are attested in. The discrepancy between the two observations is discussed and various hypotheses are raised to explain it.
Qiu, Fangzhe, “The First Judgment in Ireland”, in: Anders Ahlqvist, and Pamela OʼNeill (eds), Fír fesso: a festschrift for Neil McLeod, 17, Sydney: University of Sydney, 2018. 185–201.
Adacemia.edu – The first judgment in Ireland: <link>
Qiu, Fangzhe, “The Ulster Cycle in the law tracts”, in: Mícheál B. Ó Mainnín, and Gregory Toner (eds), Ulidia 4: proceedings of the fourth international conference on the Ulster Cycle of tales, Queen's University Belfast, 27-9 June, 2013, Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2017. 9–22.
Qiu, Fangzhe, “A note on comaccomol”, Celtica 28 (2016): 201–207.
Qiu, Fangzhe, “Manuscript contexts of early Irish law tracts: a case study on Uraicecht becc”, Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium 35 (2015): 150–171.
Qiu, Fangzhe, “Narratives in early Irish law: a typological study”, in: Anders Ahlqvist, and Pamela OʼNeill (eds), Medieval Irish law: text and context, 12, Sydney: Celtic Studies Foundation, University of Sydney, 2013. 111–141.
Qiu, Fangzhe, “Wandering cows and obscure words: a rimeless poem from legal manuscripts and beyond”, Studia Celtica Fennica 10 (2013): 91–111.  
An Old Irish rimeless poem recording a verdict by the legendary judge Fachtna is found in manuscripts that represent various textual traditions. It is cited in a gloss to early Irish laws and commentary to Amra Coluim Chille, and in two lemmata in Sanas Cormaic. This paper provides a critical edition of the poem, and considers it together with the accompanying narrative prose and verses in the textual environments, in order to illustrate the complex relationship between these textual traditions. The discussion may further our understanding of the intellectual background of the medieval literati and the growth of medieval Irish law tracts.
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