
O'Reilly (Edward)

  • d. 1830
  • (agents)
Irish scholar and compiler of an Irish-English dictionary (1817)
scribes:O'Rafferty (Barry)O'Reilly (Edward)
scribes:O'Reilly (Edward)
scribes:O'Reilly (Edward)
scribes:Lynch (William)Mac Solaidh (Seón)O'Reilly (Edward)Tipper (Richard)
scribes:O'Reilly (Edward)
OʼReilly, Edward, An Irish-English dictionary, rev. ed., Dublin: James Duffy, 1864.
Internet Archive: <link>, <link> Internet Archive – originally from Google Books: <link>, <link> Internet Archive: <link>, <link>
OʼReilly, Edward, “To investigate the authenticity of the poems of Ossian, both as given Macpherson’s translation, and as published in Gaelic, London 1807, under the sanction of the Highland Society of London; and on the supposition of such poems not being of recent origin, to assign the probable era and country of the original poet or poets”, Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy 16 (1830): 162–336.
OʼReilly, Edward, An Irish-English dictionary, 2nd ed., Dublin, 1821.
Digitale-sammlungen.de: <link> Digitale-sammlungen.de: View in Mirador
OʼReilly, Edward, A chronological account of nearly four hundred Irish writers with a descriptive catalogue of their works, Transactions of the Iberno-Celtic Society, 1, Dublin, 1820.
OʼReilly, Edward, An Irish-English dictionary, Dublin, 1817.

See also: Gaelic Society of Dublin
Gaelic Society of Dublin

A society established in 1807 “for the investigation and revival of ancient Irish literature”. Its members included men like William Haliday, John Lanagan, Theophilus O'Flanagan and Edward O'Reilly.

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Lanigan (John)
Lanigan (John)
Irish priest and church historian.

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Ó Cléirigh (Seán) [d. 1846]
Ó Cléirigh (Seán) ... d. 1846
Seán (or John) Ó Cleirigh, Irish scribe who could probably claim descent from certain illustrious scholars of the Uí Chléirigh, even if his own testimony seems fuzzy and inconsistent. He appears to have had, perhaps inherited, an unknown number of Irish manuscripts written by or associated with Cú Choigcríche Ó Cléirigh, five of which he brought to Dublin in 1817.

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Dennis Groenewegen
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March 2018, last updated: July 2021