
McKenna (Lambert)

  • d. 1956
  • (agents)
McKenna, Lambert, “A poem by Gofraidh Fionn Ó Dálaigh”, Ériu 16 (1952): 132–139.
McKenna, Lambert [ed.], The Book of O'Hara: Leabhar Í Eadhra, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1951.
CELT – edition: <link>
McKenna, Lambert [ed.], The Book of Magauran: Leabhar Méig Shamhradhá, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1947.
CELT – edition: <link>
McKenna, Lambert, “Some Irish bardic poems: LXXXIII [Iongnadh mh'aisling i n-Eamhain]”, Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review 36:143 (September, 1947): 350–357.
McKenna, Lambert, “Some Irish bardic poems: LXXXIV. Giolla Brighde .cc. [Teasda eochair ghlais Ghaoidheal]”, Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review 36:144 (December, 1947): 447–450.
McKenna, Lambert, “A poem by Gofraidh Fionn Ó Dálaigh”, in: Séamus Pender (ed.), Féilscríbhinn Torna: essays and studies presented to professor Tadhg Ua Donnchadha (Torna) on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, September 4th, 1944, Cork: Cork University Press, 1947. 66–76.
McKenna, Lambert, “Some Irish bardic poems: LXXXI. Ó hEadhra’s poet speaks to him”, Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review 36:141 (March, 1947): 77–80.
McKenna, Lambert, “Some Irish bardic poems: LXXXII. Fearghal Ó Mac an Bhaird .cc.”, Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review 36:142 (June, 1947): 175–180.
McKenna, Lambert, Bardic syntactical tracts, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1944.
McKenna, Lambert, “Infixed pronouns in bardic poetry”, Éigse 2 (1940): 117–122.
McKenna, Lambert [ed.], Aithdioghluim dána: a miscellany of Irish bardic poetry, historical and religious, including the historical poems of the Duanaire in the Yellow Book of Lecan, 2 vols, Irish Texts Society, 37, 40, Dublin: Irish Texts Society, 1940.  
Volume I contains the introduction and edited texts of a hundred poems; volume II contains translations and indexes.
Bardic.celt.dias.ie – Editions included: <link>
McKenna, Lambert, “Geall in bardic poetry”, in: John Ryan (ed.), Féil-sgríbhinn Eóin Mhic Néill: Essays and studies presented to professor Eoin MacNeill on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, May 15th 1938, Dublin: Three Candles, 1940. 62–71.
McKenna, Lambert [ed.], “65: A chros thall ar an dtulaigh”, in: Lambert McKenna [ed.], Dioghluim dána, Dublin: Government Publication Office, 1938. 196–199.
CELT: <link>
McKenna, Lambert [ed.], Dioghluim dána, Dublin: Government Publication Office, 1938.
McKenna, Lambert [ed.], “66: A fhir théid i dTír Chonaill”, in: Lambert McKenna [ed.], Dioghluim dána, Dublin: Government Publication Office, 1938. 200–201.
CELT: <link>
McKenna, Lambert, “120. Tosach féile fairsinge”, in: Lambert McKenna [ed.], Dioghluim dána, Dublin: Government Publication Office, 1938. 415–419.
CELT – edition: <link>  : <link>
McKenna, Lambert, “Some Irish bardic poems XXXIV: The Holy Cross”, Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review 24:94 (June, 1935): 313–318.
McKenna, Lambert [ed.], Philip Bocht Ó Huiginn, Dublin: Talbot Press, 1931.
McKenna, Lambert, “Some Irish bardic poems, XX: To Christ on the cross”, Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review 20:80 (1931): 660–664.
MacKenna, Lambert [ed.], “Teine ar na fadágh fearg Dé”, in: J. Fraser, Paul Grosjean, and J. G. OʼKeeffe (eds), Irish texts, fasciculus I, London, 1931. 36–42.
Celtic Digital Initiative: <link>
McKenna, Lambert, “Some Irish bardic poems, XVIII: a cry to God for help”, Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review 20:78 (1931): 260–264.
McKenna, Lambert, “Some Irish bardic poems, XVII: the body a sheep-fold”, Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review 20:77 (1931): 80–86.
McKenna, Lambert, “Some Irish bardic poems, XIX: To the Holy Trinity”, Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review 20:79 (1931): 436–438.
McKenna, Lambert, “Some Irish bardic poems: XVI. The three Maries”, Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review 19:76 (December, 1930): 593–594.
McKenna, Lambert, “Some Irish bardic poems: XIII. On the death of a princess’s dog”, Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review 19:73 (March, 1930): 70–72.


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