
Mac Mathghamhna family

  • (agents)

See also: Mac Mathghamhna (Aindrias)
Mac Mathghamhna (Aindrias)
(fl. second half of the 18th century)
Aindrias Mac Mathghamhna, Irish scribe

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Mac Mathghamhna (Aodh Óg)
Mac Mathghamhna (Aodh Óg)
(d. 1496)
king of Oirghialla; son of Aodh Ruadh Mac Mathghamhna

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Mac Mathghamhna (Muircheartach) [of Clooneenagh]
Mac Mathghamhna (Muircheartach) ... of Clooneenagh
(s. xviii)
Husband of Máire, daughter of Isibéal Ní Bhriain and Somhairle Mac Domhnaill, with whom he resided at Cluain Fhíneach (also written as Cluainíneach, now tl. Clooneenagh, Co. Clare).

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C. A., Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
October 2016, last updated: July 2020