
Johnston (Dafydd R.)

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Johnston, Dafydd, “Welsh hoyw: a case study in language contact”, in: Erich Poppe, Simon Rodway, and Jenny Rowland (eds), Celts, Gaels, and Britons: studies in language and literature from antiquity to the middle ages in honour of Patrick Sims-Williams, Turnhout: Brepols, 2022. 343–362.
Johnston, Dafydd, “The aftermath of 1282: Dafydd ap Gwilym and his contemporaries”, in: Geraint Evans, and Helen Fulton (eds), The Cambridge history of Welsh literature, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. 112–128.
Johnston, Dafydd, Language contact and linguistic innovation in the poetry of Dafydd ap Gwilym, E. C. Quiggin Memorial Lectures, 19, Cambridge: Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic, University of Cambridge, 2017. 21 pp.
Johnston, Dafydd, “Shaping a heroic life: Thomas Pennant on Owen Glyndwr”, in: Mary-Ann Constantine, and Nigel Leask (eds), Enlightenment travel and British identities: Thomas Pennant’s tours of Scotland and Wales, London, New York: Anthem Press, 2017. 105–122.
Johnston, Dafydd, “Welsh bardic miscellanies”, in: Margaret Connolly, and Raluca Luria Radulescu (eds), Insular books: vernacular manuscript miscellanies in late medieval Britain, 201, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. 193–208.  

This chapter discusses miscellanies of Welsh-language poetry, focusing on six 15th-century manuscripts from the National Library of Wales, Peniarth collection, MSS 51, 54, 55, 57, 60, and 67, all of which contain material deriving directly from contemporary poets. The formation of these miscellanies was influenced by two key aspects of Welsh bardic practice: the fact that poets and reciters were itinerant meant that numerous contributors could have access to any single manuscript collection on separate occasions, and the prevalence of memorial transmission meant that large quantities of poetry were potentially available for transcription, despite the paucity of written exemplars. Socio-political networks are evident in patrons’ miscellanies, whilst the two manuscripts belonging to poets (51 and 67) are shown to reflect the ideal of the learned bard represented by the legendary Taliesin.

Johnston, Dafydd R. (ed.), Studia Celtica 49 (2015), University of Wales Press.
Johnston, Dafydd, “Monastic patronage of Welsh poetry”, in: Janet Burton, and Karen Stöber (eds), Monastic Wales: new approaches, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2013. 177–190.
Johnston, Dafydd, “Towns in medieval Welsh poetry”, in: Helen Fulton (ed.), Urban culture in medieval Wales, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2012. 95–115.
Johnston, Dafydd, “The accentuation of cynghanedd in the cywydd metre”, Studia Celtica 45 (2011): 155–158.
Johnston, Dafydd, “Semantic ambiguity in Dafydd ap Gwilym’s ‘Trafferth mewn Tafarn’”, Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 56 (Winter, 2008): 59–74.
Johnston, Dafydd, “(Editions with notes and translations)”, Gwaith Dafydd ap Gwilym, Online: Welsh Department, Swansea University, 2007. URL: <http://www.dafyddapgwilym.net>.
Johnston, Dafydd R., Llên yr uchelwyr: hanes beirniadol llenyddiaeth Gymraeg 1300–1525, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2005.  
Beirdd yr Uchelwyr in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries are considered to be the pinnacle of the bardic tradition in Wales in the Middle Ages. This book gives a comprehensive look at the period’s literature in all its aspects. Attention is given to masters of the cywydd, such as Dafydd ap Gwilym, Iolo Goch, Guto’r Glyn, Dafydd Nanmor and Lewys Glyn Cothi.
Daniel, R. Iestyn, Jenny Rowland, Dafydd Johnston, and Marged Haycock (eds), Cyfoeth y testun: ysgrifau ar lenyddiaeth Gymraeg yr Oesoedd Canol, Cardiff: University Press of Wales, 2003.
Johnston, Dafydd, “Dafydd ap Gwilym and oral tradition”, Studia Celtica 37 (2003): 143–162.
Johnston, Dafydd R., Gwaith Llywelyn Goch ap Meurig Hen, Cyfres beirdd yr uchelwyr, 10, Aberystwyth: Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies, University of Wales, 1998.
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Johnston, Dafydd, “Erotica and satire in medieval Welsh poetry”, in: Jan Ziolkowski (ed.), Obscenity: social control and artistic creation in the European Middle Ages, Leiden: Brill, 1998. 60–72.
Costigan, Nora G., R. Iestyn Daniel, and Dafydd R. Johnston, Gwaith Gruffudd ap Dafydd ap Tudur, Gwilym Ddu o Arfon, Trahaearn Brydydd Mawr ac Iorwerth Beli, Cyfres beirdd yr uchelwyr, 4, Aberystwyth: Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies, University of Wales, 1995.
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Johnston, Dafydd R., Gwaith Lewys Glyn Cothi, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1995.  
An edition in modern orthography of the complete work of a foremost fifteenth century Welsh poet, including notes, vocabulary, indices and an introduction discussing the poet’s life and work.
Johnston, Dafydd R., Iolo Goch. Poems, The Welsh Classics, 5, Llandysul: Gomer Press, 1993. xxvi + 195 pp.
Johnston, Dafydd R., “The erotic poetry of the Cyuyddwyr”, Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 22 (Winter, 1991): 63–94.
Johnston, Dafydd, “Tri chyfeiriad at Lywelyn ap Gruffudd”, Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies 36 (1989): 97–101.
Johnston, D. R. [ed.], Gwaith Iolo Goch, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1988.


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