
Gillespie (Raymond)

  • s. xx–xxi
  • (agents)
Cunningham, Bernadette, and Raymond Gillespie, “Owners and users: the changing contexts of the Book of Ballymote, 1500–1750”, in: Ruairí Ó hUiginn (ed.), Book of Ballymote, 2, Dublin: Royal Irish Academy, 2018. 251–272.
Gillespie, Raymond, “Books, politics and society in Renaissance Dublin”, in: Kathleen Miller, and Carlotte Gribben (eds), Dublin: Renaissance city of literature, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2017. 38–54.
Gillespie, Raymond, “Scribes and manuscripts in Gaelic Ireland, 1400-1700”, Studia Hibernica 40 (2014): 9–34.
Gillespie, Raymond, “Traditional religion in sixteenth-century Gaelic Ireland”, in: Tadhg Ó hAnnracháin, and Robert Armstrong (eds), Christianities in the early modern Celtic world, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. 29–41.
Gillespie, Raymond, and Ruairí Ó hUiginn (eds), Irish Europe, 1600-1650: writing and learning, Irish in Europe, 5, Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2013.  
The experience of the Irish abroad has been a vibrant and exciting area of scholarly research in recent years. Most of that work has chronicled the political, military and religious experience of those Irish men and women who left Ireland in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. This book complements that work by focusing on the experience of meeting new cultures as the emigrants ventured across Europe. Included in the themes covered are the impact of this new world on their language, their ways of practising scholarship, the impact of print on a predominantly oral culture and their encounter with towns by those who came from an overwhelmingly rural background. Deploying a wide range of new evidence, these essays open up questions of cultural encounter that have not been explored hitherto. This is the fifth in the Irish in Europe series and, like its predecessors, it opens new perspectives on the experience of the Irish abroad in the early modern world.
(source: Four Courts Press)
Cunningham, Bernadette, and Raymond Gillespie, “Cultural frontiers and the circulation of manuscripts in Ireland, 1625–1725”, in: James Kelly, and Ciarán Mac Murchaidh (eds), Irish and English: essays on the Irish linguistic and cultural frontier, 1600–1900, Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2012. 58–95.
Cunningham, Bernadette, and Raymond Gillespie, “Muirgheas Ó Maoilchonaire of Cluain Plocáin: an early sixteenth-century Connacht scribe at work”, Studia Hibernica 35 (2008–2009): 17–43.
Gillespie, Raymond, “Manuscript collectors in the age of Marsh”, in: Muriel McCarthy, and Ann Simmons (eds), Marsh's library: a mirror on the world: law, learning and libraries, 1650-1750, Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2009. 234–250.
Gillespie, Raymond, “Saints and manuscripts in sixteenth-century Breifne”, Breifne: Journal of Cumann Seanchas Bhreifne 11 (2008): 533–556.
FitzPatrick, Elizabeth, and Raymond Gillespie (eds), The parish in medieval and early modern Ireland: community, territory and building, Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2006.
Gillespie, Raymond, “Relics, reliquaries and hagiography in south Ulster, 1450-1550”, in: Rachel Ross, Colmán Ó Clabaigh, and Salvador Ryan (eds), Art and devotion in late medieval Ireland, Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2006. 184–202.
Gillespie, Raymond, and Raymond Refaussé (eds), The medieval manuscripts of Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, Dublin: Four Courts, 2006.
Gillespie, Raymond, “Urban parishes in early seventeenth-century Ireland: the case of Dublin”, in: Elizabeth FitzPatrick, and Raymond Gillespie (eds), The parish in medieval and early modern Ireland: community, territory and building, Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2006. 228–241.
Gillespie, Raymond, “The Christ Church deeds”, in: Raymond Gillespie, and Raymond Refaussé (eds), The medieval manuscripts of Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, Dublin: Four Courts, 2006. 103–128.
Cunningham, Bernadette, and Raymond Gillespie, “James Ussher and his Irish manuscripts”, Studia Hibernica 33 (2004): 81–99.
Cunningham, Bernadette, and Raymond Gillespie, Stories from Gaelic Ireland: microhistories from the sixteenth-century Irish annals, Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2003.
Cunningham, Bernadette, and Raymond Gillespie, “Lost worlds: history and religion in the poetry of Dáibhí Ó Bruadair”, in: Pádraigín Riggs (ed.), Dáibhí Ó Bruadair: his historical and literary context, 11, London: Irish Texts Society, 2001. 18–45.
Cunningham, Bernadette, and Raymond Gillespie, “Patrick Logan and Foras feasa ar Éirinn, 1696”, Éigse 32 (2000): 146–152.
Moran, Gerard, and Raymond Gillespie (eds), Galway, history & society: interdisciplinary essays on the history of an Irish county, The Irish County History & Society Series, 9, Dublin: Geography Publications, 1996. xxx + 848 pp + 55 pl..
Cunningham, Bernadette, and Raymond Gillespie, “The purposes of patronage: Brian Maguire of Knockninny and his manuscripts”, Clogher Record 13:1 (1988): 38–49.
Cunningham, Bernadette, and Raymond Gillespie, “Persecution in seventeenth-century Irish”, Éigse 22 (1987): 15–20.
Cunningham, Bernadette, and Raymond Gillespie, “An Ulster settler and his Irish manuscripts”, Éigse 21 (1986): 27–36.


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