
Davies (Sioned)

  • s. xx–xxi
  • (agents)
Davies, Sioned, “‘A most venerable ruin’: word, image and ideology in Guest’s Geraint the son of Erbin”, Studia Celtica 53 (2019): 53–72.  

Lady Charlotte Guest's translation of Geraint the son of Erbin, published as part of a threevolume edition in 1849, was illustrated by the wood-engraver Samuel Williams. Drawing on theoretical paradigms from illustration studies, the relationship between word and image is explored, highlighting how illustrations create a complex dialogic relation between image and text. Questions are then raised as to why, in Guest's second edition of the tale, in 1877, changes and adjustments were made, specifically to those elements related to the ruins of Cardiff Castle. The wider implications of choices relating to the placement of images and the producing of captions, existing as they do in a liminal zone, located between the image and the text, are demonstrated.

Davies, Sioned, “The Lady of the Lake and legend transmission”, Transactions of the Physicians of Myddfai Society (2018): 9–17.
Davies, Sioned [tr.], The Mabinogion, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.
Davies, Sioned, “Performing Culhwch ac Olwen”, Arthurian Literature 21 (2004): 29–52.
Davies, Sioned, “A charming Guest: translating the Mabinogion”, Studia Celtica 38 (2004): 157–178.
Davies, Sioned, “Performing from the pulpit: an introduction to preaching in nineteenth-century Wales”, in: Joseph Falaky Nagy (ed.), Identifying the 'Celtic', 2, Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2002. 115–140.
Davies, Sioned, “Der Aufbau der mündlichen Erzählung: zum Einfluß des Erinnerungsvermögens und der Vortragsweise”, in: Bernhard Maier, Stefan Zimmer, and Christiane Batke (eds), 150 Jahre ‘Mabinogion’ – deutsch-walisische Kulturbeziehungen, 19, Tübingen: Niemeyer, 2001. 41–54.
Davies, Sioned, and Peter Wynn Thomas (eds), Canhwyll Marchogyon: Cyd-Destunoli Peredur, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2000.
Davies, Sioned, “Written text as performance: the implications for Middle Welsh prose narratives”, in: Huw Pryce (ed.), Literacy in medieval Celtic societies, 33, Cambridge, New York, Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 1998. 133–148.
Davies, Sioned, and Nerys Ann Jones (eds), The horse in Celtic culture: medieval Welsh perspectives, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1997.
Davies, Sioned, “Horses in the Mabinogion”, in: Sioned Davies, and Nerys Ann Jones (eds), The horse in Celtic culture: medieval Welsh perspectives, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1997. 121–140.
Davies, Sioned, “Mythology and the oral tradition: Wales”, in: Miranda J. Green (ed.), The Celtic world, London, New York: Routledge, 1995. 785–791.
Davies, Sioned, Crefft y cyfarwydd: astudiaeth o dechnegau naratif yn Y Mabinogion, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1995.


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