
Breeze (Andrew)

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Breeze, Andrew, “The Four branches of the Mabinogi and Hywel ap Owain Gwynedd (d. 1170)”, in: Dónall Ó Baoill, Donncha Ó hAodha, and Nollaig Ó Muraíle (eds), Saltair saíochta, sanasaíochta agus seanchais: A festschrift for Gearóid Mac Eoin, Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2013. 17–24.
Breeze, Andrew, “Spurs, horse-armour, and the date of Owein”, in: Cathinka Hambro, and Lars Ivar Widerøe (eds), Lochlann: Festskrift til Jan Erik Rekdal på 60-årsdagen / Aistí in ómós do Jan Erik Rekdal ar a 60ú lá breithe, Oslo: Hermes Academic, 2013. 105–110.
Breeze, Andrew, “'Pen Ren Wleth' (BT 34.1) and Gourock, Scotland”, Studia Celtica 46 (2012): 191–194.
Breeze, Andrew, “Orosius, the Book of Taliesin and Culhwch and Olwen”, Studia Celtica 45 (2011): 203–209.
Breeze, Andrew, “Bede’s castella: homesteads or castles”, Quaestio Insularis 11 (2010): 209–214.
Breeze, Andrew, The origins of the Four Branches of the Mabinogi, Leominster: Gracewing, 2009. xiii + 155 pp.
Breeze, Andrew, “The date and politics of ‘The song of the Welsh’”, The Antiquaries Journal 88 (September, 2008): 190–197.  
The Latin war-poem ‘The Song of the Welsh’ poses problems of dating and origin, as also does the identity of a mysterious ‘Broinsius’ mentioned in it. Yet the last seems to be the fifth-century British hero Ambrosius Aurelianus; while the influence of bardic verse on the poem suggests it is not from thirteenth-century England, but from a Welsh school (perhaps located at St Davids) of similar date.
Breeze, Andrew, “Cruxes in ‘The saints and martyrs of Christendom’”, Studia Celtica 42 (2008): 149–153.
Breeze, Andrew, “Who was Siôn Cent’s Firain?”, Studia Celtica 42 (2008): 153–154.
Breeze, Andrew, “Ptolemy’s Cenio and the Fal Estuary, Cornwall”, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 56 (2008): 116–118.
Breeze, Andrew, “The Old Cornish gloss on Boethius”, Notes and Queries 54:4 (2007): 367–368.
Breeze, Andrew, “Cornish toponyms: Crim Rocks, Darite, Perranuthnoe, Port Isaac, and Treverva”, Celtica 25 (2007): 1–8.
Breeze, Andrew, “Ptolemy’s Gangani and sacred geese.”, Studia Celtica 40 (2006): 43–50.
Breeze, Andrew, “Mael Suthain and a charter of King Eadwig”, Notes and Queries 53:1 (2006): 23–24.
Breeze, Andrew, “Celtic symptoms in De abbatibus and Altercatio magistri et discipuli”, The Journal of Medieval Latin 15 (2005): 148–152.
Breeze, Andrew, “Cyntefin ceinaf amser and Horace”, Studia Celtica 39 (2005): 193–199.
Breeze, Andrew, “Morville in Shropshire and Myfyr in Gwynedd”, Journal of Celtic Studies 4 (2004): 201–203.
Breeze, Andrew, “Portus Adurni and Portchester, Hampshire”, Studia Celtica 38 (2004): 180–184.
Breeze, Andrew, “Peredur son of Efrawg and windmills”, Celtica 24 (2003): 58–64.
Breeze, Andrew, “Morris Kyffin and Ovid’s Epistulae ex Ponto”, Studia Celtica 36 (2002): 153–155.
Breeze, Andrew, “Is Ravenna’s Lavobrinta the River Severn?”, Studia Celtica 36 (2002): 152–153.
Breeze, Andrew, “Seven types of Celtic loanword”, in: Markku Filppula, Juhani Klemola, and Heli Pitkänen (eds), The Celtic roots of English, 37, Joensuu: University of Joensuu, 2002. 175–182.
Breeze, Andrew, “Elaphus the Briton, St Germanus, and Bede”, The Journal of Theological Studies NS 53:2 (October, 2002): 554–557.
Breeze, Andrew, “Seventh-century Northumbria and a poem to Cadwallon”, Northern History 38 (2001): 145–152.
Coates, Richard, and Andrew Breeze, Celtic voices, English places. Studies of the Celtic impact on place-names in England, Stamford: Shaun Tyas, 2000.


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