
Breatnach (R. A.)

  • d. 2001
  • (agents)
Breatnach, Pádraig A., and R. A. Breatnach, “Elegy of Aodh Ruadh Ó Domhnaill (d. 1505)”, Éigse 35 (2005): 27–52.
Breatnach, R. A., “Bunús an fhocail fresabra”, Celtica 21 (1990): 38–39.
Breatnach, R. A., “An focal flúirse fós”, Éigse 22 (1987): 21–24.
Breatnach, R. A., “The origin of Scottish Gaelic fairtlich”, Celtica 15 (1983): 20–24.
Breatnach, R. A., “Roinnt focal Nua-Ghaeilge”, Éigse 18:1 (1980, 1980–1981): 99–110.
Breatnach, R. A., “The syntax of Mod.Ir. lá dá raibh sé”, Ériu 20 (1966): 208–211.
Breatnach, R. A., “Two eighteenth-century Irish scholars: J. C. Walker and Charlotte Brooke”, Studia Hibernica 5 (1965): 88–97.
Breatnach, R. A., “Roint fuirmeacha aidiachtacha”, Celtica 6 (1963): 253–255.
Breatnach, R. A., “Trí fhadhb théaxúla”, Celtica 6 (1963): 256–258.
Breatnach, R. A., “The end of a tradition: a survey of eighteenth century Gaelic literature”, Studia Hibernica 1 (1961): 128–150.
Breatnach, R. A., “Tóraigheacht Dhiarmada agus Ghráinne”, in: Myles Dillon (ed.), Irish sagas, Dublin, 1959. 138–151.  
Revised version of “The Pursuit of Diarmaid and Grainne” (1958)
Breatnach, R. A., “The Pursuit of Diarmaid and Grainne”, Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review 47:185 (Spring, 1958): 90–97.
Breatnach, R. A., “Nótaí gearra II”, Celtica 4 (1958): 206–210.
Breatnach, R. A., “On the morphology of the conjunctions meaning ‘before’ in Irish”, Ériu 17 (1955): 100–105.
Breatnach, R. A., “Nótaí gearra. I: [1] césmuite; diomiute, [2] poinn, [3] tuis(e), neafaiseach”, Celtica 2:2 (1954, 1954): 341–345.
Breatnach, R. A., “The origin of the 2 pl. ipv. in Northern Irish”, Ériu 16 (1952): 49–60.
Breatnach, R. A., “Dán do Shan Proinsias”, in: Sylvester OʼBrien [ed.], Measgra i gcuimhne Mhichíl Uí Chléirigh .i. Miscellany of historical and linguistic studies in honour of Brother Michael Ó Cléirigh, O.F.M., Chief of the Four Masters, 1643-1943, Dublin, 1944. 190–200.
Breatnach, R. A., “A poem on rime in scholastic verse”, Éigse 3:1 (samhradh 1941, 1941–1943): 36–51.
Breatnach, R. A., “The earliest version of Eibhlín a Rúin”, Éigse 2:3 (fómhar, 1940): 208–212.
Breatnach, R. A., “Carraig Seac”, Éigse 1 (1939–1940): 265–280.
Breatnach, R. A., “Roinnt amhrán ón rinn”, Éigse 2:4 (geimhreadh, 1940): 236–247.
Breatnach, R. A., “Oidhche na dteinte cnámh”, Éigse 2:2 (geimhreadh, 1940): 89–91.
Breatnach, R. A., “Beó-chaoinne Thomáis Paor: amhrán ó Cill Choinnigh”, Éigse 1:1 (Spring, 1939–1940): 14–21.

As honouree

de Brún, Pádraig, Seán Ó Coileáin, and Pádraig Ó Riain (eds), Folia Gadelica: essays presented by former students to R. A. Breatnach on the occasion of his retirement from the professorship of Irish language and literature at University College, Cork, Cork: Cork University Press, 1983.


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