
Ó Droma (Solamh)

  • fl. early 15th century
  • scribes
  • (agents)
Irish scribe, known as one of the three that wrote parts of the Book of Ballymote (RIA MS 23 P 12) under the tutelage of Domnall Mac Aedhagáin.
scribes:Mac Síthigh (Robeartus)Ó Droma (Solamh)Ó Duibhgeannáin (Maghnus)

See also: Mac Aedhagáin (Domnall)Mac Aedhagáin (Domnall)
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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Mac Síthigh (Robeartus)
Mac Síthigh (Robeartus)
(fl. early 15th century)
Robeartus Mac Síthigh, Irish scribe, known as one of the three that wrote parts of the Book of Ballymote (RIA MS 23 P 12) under the tutelage of Domnall Mac Aedhagáin.

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Ó Duibhgeannáin (Maghnus)
Ó Duibhgeannáin (Maghnus)
(fl. early 15th century)
Irish scribe, known as one of the three that wrote parts of the Book of Ballymote (RIA MS 23 P 12) under the tutelage of Domnall Mac Aedhagáin.

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Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
October 2016, last updated: March 2022