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Latin poem by Colmán nepos cracavist addressed to a younger Irishman also named Colmán, whom he bids farewell as he (the younger Colmán) is returning to Ireland.

Manuscript witnesses

London, British Library, MS Royal 15 B xix 
incipit: Colmano versus in Colmanum perheriles / Scottigena ficti patriae cupidum et remeantem / Dum subito properas dulces inuisere terras   
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, MS nouv. acq. lat. 1615/ff. 128-193 
context:    rubric: Excerptum de astrologia. Duo sunt extremi vertices mundi quos apellant polos   incl. Dum subito properas dulces invisere terras, Quodam forte die caelo dum turbidus imber   Subheadings: f. 180: De positione et cursus planetarum; f. 181v: De intervallis earum; f. 182v: De peritia cursus lunae et maris, followed by two poems attributed to ‘Colmanus nepos cracavist’, beg. Quodam forte die caelo dum turbidus imber and Dum subito properas dulces invisere terrae.
in section: f. 179r–f. 183v
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, MS nouv. acq. lat. 1615/ff. 128-193 
rubric: Item idem   Embedded in an astronomical tract. Follows the poem attributed to Colmán ‘nepos cracavit’ beg. Quodam forte die caelo dum turbidus imber. Three MS lines follow verse line 15, headed De concordia solis et lunae: Ostendendum igitur qualiter ogduades minus plene sint et qualiter endegadę exuberant ut illarum detrimenta possint supplere.
f. 183r.8-183v.2  


Primary sources Text editions and/or modern translations – in whole or in part – along with publications containing additions and corrections, if known. Diplomatic editions, facsimiles and digital image reproductions of the manuscripts are not always listed here but may be found in entries for the relevant manuscripts. For historical purposes, early editions, transcriptions and translations are not excluded, even if their reliability does not meet modern standards.

[ed.] [tr.] Godman, Peter, Poetry of the Carolingian Renaissance, London: Duckworth, 1985. xviii + 364 pp.
[ed.] Esposito, Mario, “The poems of Colmanus ‘nepos Cracavist’ and Dungalus ‘praecipuus scottorum’”, The Journal of Theological Studies 33 (1932): 113–131.
[ed.] Strecker, Karl [ed.], Poetae Latini aevi Carolini, vol. 6.1, MGH Antiquitates, Berlin: Weidmann, 1951.
Dmgh.de: <link>
[ed.] Meyer, Kuno [ed.], “Colman’s farewell to Colman”, Ériu 3 (1907): 186–189.
Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link>