
d. 1549 JL

2 publications between 1547 and 1870 indexed
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Works authored

Boorde, Andrew, The fyrst boke of the introduction of knowledge ... A compendyous regyment ... Barnes in defence of the berdes; with a life of Andrew Boorde, ed. F. J. Furnivall, London: N.T. Trübner & Co, for the Early English Text Society, 1870.
Internet Archive: <link>  : <link>
Boorde, Andrew, The fyrst boke of the introduction of knowledge: the whych dothe teache a man to speake parte of all maner of languages, and to know the vsage and fashion of all maner of countreys; and for to know the moste parte of all maner of coyness of money, London: W. Copland, 1547.  
Travel guide written in 1542 and published in 1547.
Travel guide written in 1542 and published in 1547.

About the author

Evans, E. Vincent, “Andrew Boorde and the Welsh people”, Y Cymmrodor 29 (1919): 44–55..