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Bretha for catshlechtaib
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{{Sources |Header editions=Editions and translations

Binchy, D. A. [ed.], Corpus iuris Hibernici, 7 vols, vol. 5, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1978.  
Volume 5 of the Corpus iuris Hibernici, which is numbered pp. 1532–1925, contains diplomatic editions of legal material from TCD 1363 (H 4. 22), the Book of Ballymote (RIA 23 P 12), BL Egerton 90 and TCD 1336 (H 3. 17).
1550.15–23 (TCD 1363)
Binchy, D. A. [ed.], Corpus iuris Hibernici, 7 vols, vol. 1, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1978.  
comments: numbered pp. 1–337; diplomatic edition of legal material three manuscripts: the Bodleian manuscripts Rawlinson B 487 and Rawlinson B 506, and TCD 1433 (E 3. 5).
110.14–21 (Rawlinson B 506)
Murray, Kevin [ed. and tr.], “Catshlechta and other medieval legal material relating to cats”, Celtica 25 (2007): 143–159.
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