f. [i]r–f. [i]v.15
[Tochomhladh mac Míleadh] Incipit: ‘Is annsin doghabhusdair anlaechraigh sin ag leasughadh along’
f. [iii]
Calendar in red and black, incl. feastdays of Brigit, Patrick and Brendan marked in red and tables for 1463, 1482 and 1501.
f. [ix]r
Continuation from f. [xi] below.
f. [ix]v.m
Zodiac table and short passage (6 lines) on the moon, beg. Si vis scire inquo signo sit luna.
f. [x]r–f. [x]v
Heading/rubric: ‘Incipit tractatus de .7. planetis’Incipit: ‘Saturnus est masculinus’
f. [xi]r–f. [xi]
Heading/rubric: ‘Incipit tabula subsequentis operis’
Table for contents for ff. 1-94, written by the main scribe and a continuator, who continues on f. [ix]r.