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Asperius See: Asporius

  • fl. c.600?
Asporius, known also as Asperius or Asper Minor (distinguishing him from Aemilius Asper), is the author to whom a grammar based on Donatus’ Ars minor is attributed. The possibility has been considered that he was an Irish or otherwise Insular grammarian and according to Vivien Law, he was probably active in Ireland or Burgundy.
  • d. c.908/909
  • Sherborne, Tyddewi ... St Davids
monk of St David’s and later, bishop of Sherborne; author of a contemporary Life of King Alfred.
  • 1735–1803
English archivist and antiquarian.

Athairne See: Athirne

Chief poet and satirist of the Ulstermen in the Ulster Cycle.

Athracht ingen Thaláin See: Athracht of Killaraght

  • Cell Adrachtae ... Killaraght
Athracht ingen Thaláin, patron saint of Cell Adrachtae (now Killaraght, Co. Sligo)
  • s. xx–xxi
Benedictine monk who led the Gregorian mission to convert the Anglo-Saxons in Britain and became the first archbishop of Canterbury.

Friars that followed the Rule of Augustine and unlike the Augustinian canons, pursued a mendicant style of living.

  • fl. mid–7th c.
theologian and author of the Hiberno-Latin treatise De mirabilibus sacrae scripturae, sometimes attributed to a certain Augustine, hence the use of the phrase Augustinus Hibernicus (the Irish Augustine) or Pseudo-Augustine.

Aurelius Prudentius Clemens See: Prudentius