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Cellach of Cualu See: Cellach Cualann

  • supp. fl. 6th/7th century
  • Cell Alaid
Cellach mac Éogain, a bishop of Cell Alaid (Killala, Co. Mayo) who is portrayed in the story of Caithréim Cellaig.
  • d. 706
  • Péronne
Irish churchman, fourth abbot of St Fursa’s foundation in Péronne, Neustria, in what became Picardy, France. From William of Malmesbury, he is known to have corresponded with Aldhelm. He has been identified as the author of a number of Latin  poems. The Lorsch annals give his obit under 706.

Cellanus of Péronne See: Cellán of Péronne

Celtcha(i)r mac U(i)thechair, warrior in the Ulster Cycle of tales.

Celtchar mac Uithechair See: Celtchar

Celtchar mac Uthechair See: Celtchar

‘kindred of Coirpre (son of Níall Noígíallach)’, a branch of the southern Uí Néill based in northeast Connacht and at some point, in the north of Tethbae; by extension, the peoples or kingdoms ruled by the Cenél Coirpri.
‘kindred of Conall (Gulban, son of Níall Noígíallach)’, branch of the northern Uí Néill
‘kindred of Fíachu (son of Níall Noígíallach)’, branch of the southern Uí Néill
‘kindred of Lóegaire (son of Níall Noígíallach)’, branch of the southern Uí Néill.