
Vries (Ranke de)

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Vries, Ranke de, “‘A wild longing of Irish manuscripts’: A. G. van Hamel’s textual editions”, in: Bart Jaski, Lars B. Nooij, Sanne Nooij-Jongeleen, and Nike Stam (eds), Man of two worlds: A. G. van Hamel, celticist and germanist, Utrecht: Stichting A. G. van Hamel voor Keltische Studies, 2023. 61–67.
Internet Archive: <link>
Griffith, Aaron, “A. G. van Hamel en de grammatica’s van de Keltische talen”, in: Bart Jaski, Lars B. Nooij, Sanne Nooij-Jongeleen, and Nike Stam (eds), Man van twee werelden: A. G. van Hamel als keltoloog en germanist, Utrecht: Stichting A. G. van Hamel voor Keltische Studies, 2023. 55–61.
Internet Archive: <link>
Vries, Ranke de, “‘Een wild verlangen naar Ierse handschriften’: de tekstuitgaven van A. G. van Hamel”, in: Bart Jaski, Lars B. Nooij, Sanne Nooij-Jongeleen, and Nike Stam (eds), Man van twee werelden: A. G. van Hamel als keltoloog en germanist, Utrecht: Stichting A. G. van Hamel voor Keltische Studies, 2023. 62–68.
Internet Archive: <link>
Vries, Ranke de, “Medieval medicine and the healing of Caílte in Acallam na senórach”, North American Journal of Celtic Studies 5:1 (Spring, 2021): 49–82.  

This article examines the healing of Caílte in the late twelfth- or early thirteenth-century text Acallam na senórach from a medieval medical perspective. According to the text, Caílte suffers from long-lasting injuries, particularly from mobility issues caused by a poisoned spear. The healing itself, performed mainly by Bé Binn, a female member of the Túatha Dé Danann, takes place in three stages: (1) healing through vomiting; (2) curing Caílte's head afflictions with a head rinse; and (3) extracting the poison and other gore from his legs. After this, as a parting gift, Bé Binn provides Caílte with a potion that restores his memory. This article argues that the healing sequence shows familiarity with medieval medical practice derived from European and Arabic medical sources up to two centuries before the appearance of the earliest medical manuscripts.

Vries, Ranke de, “ [Review of: Stacey, Robin Chapman, Law and the imagination in medieval Wales, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018.]”, Journal for English and Germanic Philology 120:2 (2021): 240–243.
Vries, Ranke de, A student’s companion to Old Irish grammar, 2nd, revised ed., Burlington: Forgotten Scholar Press, 2020.
Vries, Ranke de, “The rosc passage in the recension C Dindṡenchas of Port Láirge”, Ériu 69 (2019): 55–79.  
This article provides a new edition, with discussion, translation, and notes, of a rosc passage contained in Recension C of the dindsenchas of Port Láirge. The edition is based on seven manuscript versions. This passage has never before been translated or edited in full.
Vries, Ranke de, “A short tract on medicinal uses for animal dung”, North American Journal of Celtic Studies 3:2 (2019): 111–136.  
This article contains a semi-diplomatic edition of a short, hitherto unedited, Early Modern Irish text which can be found in the fifteenth-century manuscript TCD 1343, pp. 113–114. The text in question provides recipes for simple medicines containing the dung of a variety of animals: goats, sheep, dogs, cows, bulls, mice, ducks, swallows, doves, and chickens. It is found roughly seven pages after Tadhg Ó Cuinn's An Irish materia medica, edited by Micheál P. S. Ó Conchubhair, and contains references to the second book of Avicenna's Canon of medicine. The two most pertinent capita from (a Latin version of) Avicenna have been transcribed and translated in an appendix.
– Issue 1: <link> – Issue 2: <link>
Vries, Ranke de, “Some remarks on text-internal narrative openers in early Irish saga texts”, Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium 36 (2018): 194–214.
Vries, Ranke de, “Instances of mirrored alliteration in the earliest Irish poetry”, The Australian Celtic Journal 13 (2015): 33–95.
Vries, Ranke de, “The Ulster Cycle in the Netherlands”, Emania 22 (2014): 5–11.
Vries, Ranke de, A student’s companion to Old Irish grammar, Forgotten Scholar Press, 2013. 184 pp.  
This book, written in an intentionally informal style, aims to make Old Irish grammar more accessible to students of all backgrounds. The material is based on handouts that have been used by students in Old Irish grammar courses at various universities for over a decade, and comments and suggestions for improvements offered by both students and instructors have been incorporated. It can serve as a stand-alone introduction or can be used in conjunction with other grammatical works, in hopes of elucidating some of the tricky concepts that makes Old Irish such a fascinating and rewarding subject for study.
Vries, Ranke de, Two texts on Loch nEchach: De causis torchi Corc' Óche and Aided Echach maic Maireda, Irish Texts Society, 65, London: Irish Texts Society, 2012.  

This volume, edited by Ranke de Vries, contains editions of two important texts related to the mythological origin of Lough Neagh and its aftermath. The earlier of the two texts, De causis, contains a seventh-century poem by Luccreth moccu Chíara that can be regarded as the earliest example of deibide. The second, Aided Echach, is a prosimetric text found only in Lebor na hUidre (in the hand of the interpolator H). The editions are preceded by a general discussion on the development of the tradition concerning the origin of the lake.

Vries, Ranke de, “Similarities in the three female aided-tales”, Studia Celtica Fennica 8 (2011): 19–28.
Vries, Ranke de, “Two early examples of the preposition acht followed by the accusative case outside the law texts and an example of acht inge”, Ériu 60 (2010): 137–144.  
1. Acht followed by the accusative case

To the list of reliable examples of acht followed by accusative case may now be added two unambiguous early instances that occur outside the legal tradition. Both examples are found in the early Old Irish text De causis torchi Corc’ Óche ‘On the reasons for the migration of the Corco Óche’ (hereafter cited as De causis). The complete text will be found in Laud Misc. 610, fol. 94Rb23–94Vb16, and there are incomplete versions in the Book of Ballymote (BB) on pp. 169b20–170a12 (= fol. 96Rb20–96Va12), and the Book of Lecan (Lec), fol. 125Ra1–125Rb20.

2. Another example of acht inge ‘except for’

In the BB and Lec versions of De causis, it appears that we have another example of acht inge. In the first instance of acht + accusative discussed above, where Laud has Di-legath síl Dubthig Dōeltengath and act cethra conchuiriu, BB and Lec have the respective readings dileagad sil dubtaich dælteangthaich acht .i. ceithre conchuiri and dileagad sil dubthaich dæltengaig acht .i. ceithri conchoiri, where .i. can really only be taken as an abbreviation for inge.
(source: Royal Irish Academy (PDF))
Vries, Ranke de, Keltische sagen en verhalen in een notendop, Amsterdam: Bert Bakker, 2009.
Vries, Ranke de, “The names of Lí Bán”, in: Joseph Falaky Nagy (ed.), Myth in Celtic literatures, 6, Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2007. 39–54.
Vries, Ranke de, “Het onafwendbare einde van Eochu, zoon van Mairid”, in: Inge Genee, Bart Jaski, and Bernadette Smelik (eds), Arthur, Brigit, Conn, Deirdre... Verhaal, taal en recht in de Keltische wereld. Liber amicorum voor Leni van Strien-Gerritsen, Nijmegen: Stichting Uitgeverij de Keltische Draak, 2003. 186–202.


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