
Howlett (David R.)

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Howlett, David, “Bede, Lutting, and the Hiberno-Latin tradition”, Peritia 31 (2020): 107–124.  

Edition, translation, and analysis of three poems composed probably about AD 681 in honour of his late master by the earliest datable Anglo-Latin poet, probably at Lindisfarne.

Howlett, David, “An addition to the Hiberno-Latin canon: De ratione temporum”, in: Immo Warntjes, and Dáibhí Ó Cróinín (eds), Late antique calendrical thought and its reception in the early Middle Ages: proceedings from the 3rd International Conference on the Science of Computus in Ireland and Europe, Galway, 16-18 July, 2010, 26, Turnhout: Brepols, 2017. 212–228.  
The essay provides a text, translation, and analysis of the poem, fixing its origin in a milieu of seventh-century Hiberno-Latin compositions.
Howlett, David, “Donnchadh Ó Corráin (1942–2017)”, Peritia 28 (2017): 9–11.
Howlett, David, “Two Irish jokes”, in: Pádraic Moran, and Immo Warntjes (eds), Early medieval Ireland and Europe: chronology, contacts, scholarship. A Festschrift for Dáibhí Ó Cróinín, 14, Turnhout: Brepols, 2015. 225–264.  
The essay considers by editing, translating, and analysing two famous Irish jokes, first a celebrated exchange between the philosopher Iohannes Scottus Eriugena and the Emperor Charles the Bald, and second the Bamberg Cryptogram. From four sources, one poem by Theodulf of Orleans and three prose accounts by William of Malmesbury, Gerald de Barri, and Matthew Paris, the first joke can be understood to function in five distinct ways. The second part of this paper considers two works by Dubthach mac Máel-Tuile, a colophon and the Bamberg Cryptogram, a letter from Suadbar to Colgu explaining the code of the cryptogram, a colophon by Nandharius, scribe of the letter, a poem by a Welsh priest named Cyfeiliog using Dubthach’s code, and an account of scholarly needle in insular Latin literature. The Appendix by Colin Ireland discusses the Irish names in Suadbar’s letter.
Howlett, David, “Sonid’s ogam signature”, in: Georgia Henley, Paul Russell, and Joseph F. Eska (eds), Rhetoric and reality in medieval Celtic literature: studies in honor of Daniel F. Melia, 11-12, Hamilton, NY: Colgate University Press, 2014. 94–97.
Howlett, David R., “Music and the stars in early Irish compositions”, in: Mary Kelly, and Charles Doherty (eds), Music and the stars: mathematics in medieval Ireland, Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2013. 111–128.
Howlett, David, “The Old-Irish hymn Brigit bé bithmaith”, Peritia 22–23 (2011-2012, 2013): 182–187.
Howlett, David, “Gematria in Irish verse”, Peritia 22–23 (2011-2012, 2013): 177–181.
Howlett, David, “Alea Evangelii”, in: Jacques Elfassi, Cécile Lanéry, and Anne-Marie Turcan-Verkerk (eds), Amicorum societas: mélanges offerts à François Dolbeau pour son 65e anniversaire, Firenze: SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2013. 335–360.
Howlett, D. R., and R. K. Ashdowne [eds.], Dictionary of medieval Latin from British sources, fasc. 15: Salvator–Solvere, Oxford: British Academy, 2012.
Howlett, D. R. [ed.], Dictionary of medieval Latin from British sources, fasc. 14: Regularis–Salvator, Oxford: British Academy, 2011.
Howlett, David, “Two mathematical poets”, Peritia 21 (2010): 151–157.
Howlett, David, “Iohannis celsi rimans misteria caeli”, Peritia 21 (2010): 158–161.
Howlett, David, “Hiberno-Latin poems on the Eusebian Canons”, Peritia 21 (2010): 162–171.
Howlett, David, “Computus in Hiberno-Latin literature”, in: Immo Warntjes, and Dáibhí Ó Cróinín (eds), Computus and its cultural context in the Latin West, AD 300–1200: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on the Science of Computus in Ireland and Europe, 5, Turnhout: Brepols, 2010. 259–323.  
The essay begins with an Introduction to the history of the Latin language, computus, and related disciplines in Antiquity before knowledge of the subjects among the Irish; it proceeds with Part I, three Hiberno-Latin computistic texts, a note about the introduction of computus among the Irish, analysis of the beginning of Cummian’s Letter of 633 to Ségéne and Béccán, and an edition, translation, and analysis of the preliminaries and dating clause of the Oxford computus of 658; it proceeds with Part II, a survey of Computistic Phenomena in Hiberno-Latin Literature under twenty-three headings, considering texts from the fifth century to the twelfth; it ends with a Conclusion.
Howlett, D. R. [ed.], Dictionary of medieval Latin from British sources, fasc. 13: Propter–Regularis, Oxford: British Academy, 2010.
Howlett, David, “Versus cuiusdam Scotti de alphabeto”, Peritia 21 (2010): 136–150.  

A consideration of phenomena infixed in the text of Versus cuiusdam Scotti de alphabeto that confirm composition of the poem in Ireland during the middle of the seventh century.

Howlett, D. R. [ed.], Dictionary of medieval Latin from British sources, fasc. 12: Possessorius–Propter, Oxford: British Academy, 2009.
Howlett, David, “Insular inscriptions and the problem of coincidence: a reply”, Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 56 (Winter, 2008): 75–96.
Howlett, David, “Wilbrord’s autobiographical note and the ‘Versus Sybillae de iudicio Dei’”, Peritia 20 (2008): 154–164.
Howlett, David, “On the new edition of Anatolius’ De ratione paschali”, Peritia 20 (2008): 135–153.
Howlett, David, “Two Cambro-Latin sequences from the Welsh Church. I. ‘Arbor eterna’. II. ‘Cum uenerunt angeli’”, ALMA: Bulletin du Cange 65 (2007): 235–246.
I-Revues – PDF: <link>
Howlett, David, “Moucan’s prayers again”, ALMA: Bulletin du Cange 65 (2007): 247–256.
I-Revues – PDF: <link>
Howlett, D. R. [ed.], Dictionary of medieval Latin from British sources, fasc. 11: Philautia–Possessorius, Oxford: British Academy, 2007.
Howlett, David, “A triad of texts about Saint David”, in: J. Wyn Evans, and Jonathan M. Wooding (eds), St David of Wales: cult, church and nation, 24, Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2007. 253–273.


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