
Úa hUathgaile (Dublittir)

  • c.1080–1120
  • Glenn Uissen
  • authors, scholars
  • (agents)
Irish scholar associated with the church of Glen Uissen (Killeshin, Co. Laois).

See also: Glenn Uissen
Glenn Uissen/Cell Eision ... Killeshin
County Laois
No short description available

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Secondary sources (select)

Reference works
McGuire, James [ed.], and James Quinn [ed.], Dictionary of Irish biography, online ed., Online: Royal Irish Academy, Cambridge University Press, 2009–present. URL: <https://www.dib.ie>.
Bhreathnach (Edel) [id. 008746.v1. ‘Ua Úathgaile, Dublittir’] direct link
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Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
April 2023, last updated: May 2023