
Eichner, Heiner

Eichner, Heiner, Istenic, Janka, and Lovenjak, Milan, “Ein römerzeitliches Keramikgefäß aus Ptuj (Pettau, Poetovio) in Slowenien mit Inschrift in unbekanntem Alphabet und epichorischer (vermutlich keltischer) Sprache”, Arheološki vestnik 45 (1994): 131–142.  
The paper discusses the discovery of an inscribed small pot from the western graveyard of Poetovio. The pot is dated from the 2nd or 3rd centuries AD, and although the inscription, which is scratched on the pot, has certain similarities with the Venetian alphabet, the script appears to be a local variant. The names mentioned indicate a Celtic influence. The article concludes with a discussion on the likely ethnic composition of Poetovio.


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