Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Cornish d. 1
  • 1861
Not yet published
Lowenna, Sharon, “Charles Rogers’s ‘Vocabulary of the Cornish Language’, the Rylands vocabulary, and gatherers of pre-‘Revival’ fragments”, in: Philip Payton (ed.), Cornish studies 19, 19, Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 2011. 105–122.  

One reason for this article is to provide manuscript descriptions of two unpublished vocabularies of the Cornish language - the Charles Rogers 'Vocabulary of the Cornish Language' (1861) and the Rylands Vocabulary (c.1826). The complementary aims are to intersperse some observations regarding how the established canon of nineteenth-century Cornish lexicography serves to over-shadow evidence of sustained interest in the language, throughout the nineteenth century, by lesser known and indeed unknown 'gatherers of fragments'. Together, these aims seek to contribute to the current and healthy debate on the received wisdom concerning the nature of the Cornish-language 'Revival'.

Results for Oxford, Bodleian Library (183)
  • Oxford, Bodleian Library, Auct. F. 4. 32
  • Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS 9
  • Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS 163
  • Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS 311
Not yet published.

Commentaries on the biblical prophets Isaiah, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Zachariah and Malachi, followed by Galfridus' life of St Bernard of Clairvaux and a version of the Navigatio sancti Brendani related to the Old French poem on the same subject.

  • s. xiiex/xiiiin
  • Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Add. A 281
  • Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Add. C 14
  • Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Additional A 91
  • Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Additional C 144