London, British Library, MS Royal 13 A 14
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Lewis, David J. G., “A short Latin Gospel of Nicodemus written in Ireland”, Peritia 5 (1986): 262–275.  
This paper presents an edition of the abridged apocryphal Gospel of Nicodemus (together with some notes and commentary) from the sole surviving manuscript, London, British Library, Royal 13.A.14, written in Ireland about AD 1300. The second part of the Gospel of Nicodemus (known as the ‘Descensus ad Infernos’) was known in the British Isles, probably as a separate text, in the early middle ages: this is clear in the case of Ireland from the Book of Cerne (8th–9th century) and in the case of England from Cynewulf (c. AD 800). In both countries vernacular versions are very considerably later. The first part of the Gospel (known as ‘Acta Pilati’) was probably joined to it during the ninth century and on the continent. There are about 50 extant manuscript copies of the Gospel in British libraries, most of which contain a more or less full recension though some are abbreviated to some extent. The unique text here edited is severely abridged but nonetheless readable. There are some minor additions to the text.

Results for London, British Library (633)
  • London, British Library, MS 6250
  • London, British Library, MS 19861
  • London, British Library, MS 38132
  • London, British Library, MS Additional 54
  • London, British Library, MS Additional 4779
  • London, British Library, MS Additional 4783/f. 28
London, British Library, MS Additional 4783

Five vellum leaves.

  • s. xvex