London, British Library, MS Lansdowne 418
  • s. xvii
Not yet published
Moore, Deborah L., Medieval Anglo-Irish Troubles: a cultural study of BL MS Harley 913, Turnhout: Brepols, 2017.  

British Library MS Harley 913 is an early fourteenth-century trilingual manuscript whose paradoxically devotional and ribald contents display many distinct aspects of the Anglo-Irish socio-political reality of the day. However, several of its texts have, in the past, suffered from repeated scholarly misreadings, in part because scholars have not taken the time to seriously consider the manuscript’s contents as a whole, and in part because fluctuations in the political, social, and religious climate between Ireland and England have prejudiced how some scholars have approached these works.

This book examines these texts, as well as their subsequent misinterpretations, in the order in which they occur in the manuscript and reveals the pattern of politicized discourse surrounding this important medieval Anglo-Irish cultural artefact that has hitherto obscured, rather than elucidated, the very personal interactions of some of the era’s key figures. For the first time, this volume allows readers to visualize the manuscript in its entirety and complexity. Texts touching on the taboos of incest, regicide, and witchcraft, together with the clandestine manoeuvrings of the power-hungry and influential, reveal a surprisingly complicated interlacing of events across medieval Ireland, England, and the Continent.

Results for London, British Library (633)
  • London, British Library, MS 6250
  • London, British Library, MS 19861
  • London, British Library, MS 38132
  • London, British Library, MS Additional 54
  • London, British Library, MS Additional 4779
  • London, British Library, MS Additional 4783/f. 28
London, British Library, MS Additional 4783

Five vellum leaves.

  • s. xvex