Bern, Burgerbibliothek, MS 172
  • s. ix2/4/3/4
Not yet published
Clarke, Michael, “The choice of Cú Chulainn and the choice of Achilles: intertextuality and the manuscripts”, North American Journal of Celtic Studies 5:1 (Spring, 2021): 1–29.  

It is a familiar cliché, even a trope, to characterise Cú Chulainn as 'the Irish Achilles' and to exemplify this by citing the shared motif of the hero choosing an early death and eternal fame in preference to a long inglorious life. Building on Brent Miles' insight that knowledge of the 'choice of Achilles' story could have come to the Irish literati through the commentary on Vergil known as Servius Auctus, this article aims to reconstruct the reading strategies that might have been applied to this text in the period when Táin bó Cúailnge was taking shape. The argument is pursued by examining two manuscripts of Servius Auctus (MSS Bern, Burgerbibliothek 167 & 172), of which other sections preserve direct evidence for Irish engagement with Virgilian poetry in the form of marginalia focussed on the word picti in connexion with the British race known as the Picts. The picti material provides the model for a hypothetical reconstruction of how the literati might have interpreted and re-contextualised the Achilles material in these or similar annotated manuscripts of Vergil. This encourages a revised assessment of how and why the makers of the Táin may have been engaging creatively with the perceived parallelism between Cú Chulainn and Achilles.

Daintree, David, “Scholia Bernensia: an edition of the scholia on the Eclogues of Vergil in Bern Burgerbibliothek manuscript 172”, unpublished PhD dissertation, University of Tasmania, 1993.  
Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. General survey of the Virgil scholia; 3. The Scholia Bernensis and related material; 4. The influence of surviving scholia of the lost commentary of Aeilus Donatus; 5. The Irish connection; 6. Introduction to the text and sigla; [Edition - Eclogues I-X]; Bibliography and indexes.
 : <link>
Savage, John J., “The manuscripts of the commentary of Servius Danielis on Vergil”, Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 43 (1932): 77–121.
Müller, Karl-Wilhelm, Commentaria Iunilii Flagrii, T. Galli et Gaudentii in Virgilii, 4 vols, Rudolfstadt, 1847–1854.
Internet Archive: <link>

Results for Bern, Burgerbibliothek, MS 172 (1)
Not yet published.
  • s. ix2/4/3/4